Frank Molver (12 Feb 2017)
"Taylor's Trump prophecy 100% accurate, which will change timing"

I know many folks don't care for Trump but I believe it is mainly driven by the dishonest news media. Remember, the news media is not the Christian's friend. Therefore it should not taint our impressions. There are some very bad things happening in the government and that is why they are doing their best to stop Trump. But indeed it is God's desire to give our nation a 2nd chance to do good. That is why this man was chosen because he is unafraid to do what others have been afraid to do. The change in our government is a big stumbling block to the plans of the Globalists who do not have good intentions for the Christians.
So, as you can see there is quite a struggle going on. It will last for several months and get much worse. Many terrible things some politicians have done will be exposed and some will go to jail.
We will have several new Supreme Court members that will preserve our rights.
This means we will not be leaving in the near future. We have a ways to go yet.
Here is the prophecy