Frank Molver (12 Feb 2017)
"fake conspiracies purposely distract from true conspiracies"


Looking at some of the rash of conspiracies lately I have come to the conclusion that some of them are purposely designed to distract from true conspiracies. Also certain news events have been used to do the same thing.

One conspiracy that I believe they are really going all out to try discredit is Pizzagate. That is child sex trafficking that many politicians and media have been getting away with for many years. There have been numerous arrests in many areas of the states. Now that Sessions is the Attorney General, it is believed that the big names are going to be arrested. As far as I know there are about 30 high ranking politicians and 40 well known people that are slated to be indicted.

Stay tuned. Trump is really shaking things up. He will do what he has said. Many people will be upset, but somebody has to be man enough to speak out against the evil that our country has fallen into. Trump was chosen for that.