Doug L (12 Feb 2017)
"Message to the The Body of Christ"

Back in august of 1997  I was in a place of transition. I had recently sold my house in Bend,Oregon and was staying with a friend while preparing to move back to Southern California.  The sale of my house was prompted by a very clear message from God Himself.
 I was very content with my life at  that  time.  I lived a simple life but had all I needed.  I lived in a small house in the woods on an acre with privacy and room to breath. My expenses were very low and easy to manage.  My mortgage could easily be paid off in a few short years  with minimal income,  I was ready to retire!   It seems that at the very moment  that retirement crossed my mind, God spoke. He said that I was too young to retire and that I was to get back  into the battle, sell everything and then wait for His instruction. I listed my house for sale by owner in the local newspaper. Within days I received a full price offer for the house plus the buyer wanted to purchase all my furniture for an additional payment. We submittted all our paperwork to an escrow company and within a few weeks I was homeless. Now staying at a friends house, I had time to wait and pray to the Lord for direction.
One day in particular I was alone in my room and it came to my mind to ask the Lord a question.    What time is it? 
Next - I found myself viewing what I thought was the world. I was corrected and noticed that it was the United States I was seeing from a position above it.
At first I saw it's recognizable outline with internal lines dividing each state. Then I saw a large dark, human figure stretched out across the US  from shore to shore in a lying position.  Much like a crime scene body is chalked out on the ground.  The US was filled with black dots  but these dots  were people and the body was also filled with people, but the dots where somewhat tranluscent. I could still see a faint outline of the body as it's people were slightly different in shade from the rest of the US. Then it became more and more difficult to distinguish the body shape from the  US as people began to blend together and the body was no longer a seperate image.  Across America all was dark -  the body had lost it's identity.
I then saw a beautiful woman, as if a bride, dressed in  white with a veil and out strectched arms and hands open facing up - as if to say; come.  She appeared to glow in brilliant white light.
I then noticed that some of the dark spots all across the US, which  were actually people,  heard the woman and began  to light up and rise out of the darkness towards her.   As they ascended their light became brighter  until being merged completely with the woman.  As they were being added, her brilliance increased.
As I watched I understood that these are those who hear and obey the Spirit to come out and be separated. They are preparing themselves as a bride.
When the Bride is complete and ready the Lord will take her as His Wife.
I believe the organized body of Christ in America has been judged and is now dead. Next - this  Nation will be judged and all others following the completed judgment of God's house.
 February 9th 2017 - Regarding time: about 4 years ago I began hearing the Lord say "NOW"