Doug L (12 Feb 2017)
"Great Persecution Coming"

The religious leaders and the crowds who followed them said this about Jesus : He is not our King, this man will not rule over us - deny His works - Crucify Him - Kill Him and His followers. The people cried: give us Barabbas instead of Jesus - who was a known criminal.
Today we also have wicked leaders with their own agendas and people who follow them saying: Donald Trump is not our president, we will not follow him - rebel against his authority, destroy his work and kill ...him and his supporters. The people cry: give us Hillary - also a known criminal.
Jesus was appointed by God for His time to die once for the salvation of many. What followed was the continuous persecution against those whom He saved.
Donald Trump, I believe, was appointed by God for such a time as this to demonstrate the righteous work of God and to bring many to salvation, but also, it will bring about great persecution and ultimately a great judgment upon this earth.
Place your faith firmly in God and keep it there.