Chondra M (12 Feb 2017)
"RE:John B (29 Jan 2017)"

John B (29 Jan 2017)
Earth is a flat plane?
The passage saying the earth is round is Isaiah 40:22: He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
You can say the earth is a FLAT circle, but what is your point? No flat earth person can give the MOTIVE for lying about earth being round. If you are proven correct, then what? Do we all get Richer? See God? The Gospel in the stars are revealed (which we see today)?
What is your point and don't tell me "NASA is lying, I'm trying to prove that". OK, then what? What changes? What can we expect? NASA lied, the earth is indeed flat...what now?
This appears to be a HUGH distracting from the word of God, and many have diverted Bible study to this drivel without ever explaining the Flat Earth Reasoning.
This will be the LAST I speak on this topic. 
It's fake crap, no proof or Biblically driven to save souls. Just junk. 
I'm a REAL Journalist and ask; who, what, when, where, why....all of this screams FAKE, send the people on a hunt, away from God, with zero ending point or reason.
Get back to scripture and ignore this drivel until someone can make a good point for the "lies"