Ola Ilori (8 Feb 2015)

I believe, starting from the 29th of January 2015 [Day 8 Month 11 Year 6000], the Lord is NOW unleashing 10 spiritual plagues, similar to the 10 plagues of Egypt, on the Devil and his angels in the spirit realm!

The Lord's omnipotent power must pass through the Devil's realm of spiritual wickedness in heavenly places, before reaching earth to resurrect and translate His Bride ,the Church! 

The Scriptures tell us the Lord's Divine power will bring tremendous torment to the Devil and his angels in the form of plagues!

“I will ransom them [all the followers of Christ] from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from deathO Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction...” [Hosea 13:14]

Demons and lying spirits will be plagued 10 times over 10 Sabbath days, until they are forced to give way to the resurrection power of the Lord on First-fruits, which falls on Monday the 6th of April 2015!

29th of January 2015 [Day 8 Month 11 Year 6000] Blood - 1st plague.

5th of February 2015 [Day 15 Month 11 Year 6000] frogs - 2nd plague.

12th of February 2015 [Day 22 Month 11 Year 6000] lice - 3rd plague.

19th of February 2015 [Day 29 Month 11 Year 6000] flies - 4th plague.

28th of February 2015 [Day 8 Month 12 Year 6000] Pestilence on cattle - 5th plague.

7th of March 2015 [Day 15 Month 12 Year 6000] Boils - 6th plague.

14th of March 2015 [Day 22 Month 12 Year 6000] hail - 7th plague.

21st of March 2015 [Day 29 Month 12 Year 6000] locust - 8th plague.

29th of March - 31st March 2015 [Day 8 - Day 10 Month 1 Year 6000] 3 days of darkness - 9th plague.

4th/5th April 2015 [Day 14th/15th Month 1 Year 6000] death of the firstborn - 10th plague.

6th of April 2015 [Day 16 Month 1 Year 6000] The Resurrection and Translation of all the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ [FIRST-FRUITS].