Ola Ilori (22 Feb 2015)

A BROTHER: Praise God!! Have you noticed that many folks are getting confirmation that the hour of redemption draws near. I myself asked The Lord to tell me when it will begin and he said over and over "First-fruits ". I didn't even know what that was or when so I looked it up and it's 6th of April, just like the Brother said. Come soon Lord Jesus, we love you!!!

MYSELF: When did you have this experience? Did you hear an audible voice? Are you saying you've never ever heard the Word First-fruits in your entire life? Could you give more information of this Divine encounter? The Lord showed me through the Scriptures that He's coming for us on First-fruits, on the 6th of April 2015! Thanks and God bless!

HIS RESPONSE: Hi there, I'm a newbie Christian for the past 3 years [I used to be a Muslim]. Anyways, I've been doing some searching, trying to fit the possible end date to the start and middle date [7 Year Tribulation]. I wasn't making much progress so the other night I just asked God , tell me Lord, reveal to me In your wisdom where we are on the prophetic clock. Before the words had left my mouth , I heard the words watch First-fruits and then just First-fruits over again a few times. Now I have heard that on First-fruits The Lord and the Old Testament Prophets rose from the dead, but I didn't know when It was so I looked it up. I've read your theory and I agree, everything seems to fit. I'm gonna search and pray some more and see what God reveals to me. God bless you brother.