Mike Curtiss (8 Feb 2015)
"Stone Tablets of the Babylonian Talmud Discovered in Iraq"

Hi Friends,

     We live in a time of great expectancy, waiting for the soon return of the Lord Jesus
Christ. We have been warned against the day when our ancient enemy will seduce the
elect, if it were possible. A great deception has engulfed the planet Earth. Men's heart's
shall fail them for fear when they see these things come to pass.
     I have been diligently searching for clues to the identity of this 'spirit of inequity already
at work among us' Who today wields such terrible power and influence among the nations?
Who will fan the flames of the final nuclear world war? More importantly, who possesses 
such pride and arrogance to engineer the destruction of mankind? 
     As an aficionado of modern archeology, I've witnessed secular discoveries in the ancient
Near-East that consistently demonstrate the faithfulness and accuracy of God's Word.
I have shared the importance of these remarkable archaeologic results with many of you.
     Tonight, I've received word of the ultimate signal of God's soon reappearance among man.
We have been given 'a pearl of great value'. Appropriately, it's been unearthed in war torn Iraq,
the ancient land of Shinar. Why does this report sound a huge alert siren in my heart? All of my 
research leads me to the identity of the author of this ongoing deception. As a follower of Jesus,
I have been on a fascinating voyage of discovery. 
      As an evangelical, I've been forced to reconsider my understanding of God's chosen people
and their amazing repopulation of the holy land. Who are these people? Where do they come from
and who were their fathers? I can't help reading the signs and symbols associated with the modern
State of Israel. I expect an original copy of the documents written by the Jews while in exile in 
Babylon. I can't escape the feeling reading a copy of the Babylonian Talmud will be decisive.

Agape Love,
