Mike (22 Feb 2015)
"the year of our dreams"

Hello, John and Doves,
This Gentile year may well be the year of our dreams [not nightmares, I hope!].
Pack your spiritual bags ahead of time!
For it is written,
     'Owe no one anything except to love him.'
So keep your installment payments up to date.
If you are in arrears over any debt, get it straightened out as soon as you are able.
Ask forgiveness from people you have wronged [where and it is wise to do so], and make amends, too.
Keep short accounts with the LORD.
Stay 'fessed up, prayed up, and so on.
I was coming out of McDonald's after having bought a strawberry shake [yum!].
I glanced at the sky, and [due to my glasses not being perfectly clean] I looked at a star and thought it was a new moon.
Of course, it is not yet Rosh Chodesh, so it was an optical illusion.
The interesting thing is that it is the second time that I have seen such an illusion in the same place.
The first time, I was merely thinking about the Rapture.
This time, I had been reading about the Ninth Harbinger in Johnathan Cahn's excellent book, 'The Harbinger.'
Putting many things together, the Holy Spirit has enabled me to realize that national judgement on America will happen on or about 29 Elul 5775, which is this autumn.
Therefore, the East Coast calamity may hit then, if this nation's leaders fail to bend the knees of their hearts in sorrowful repentance toward The Most High, YHVH Elohim, the perfect representation of whom is the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is written,
     'And the government shall be on His shoulders.  And of the increase of His rule, there shall be no limits.'