Marilyn Agee (22 Feb 2015)
"possible Rapture dates"

> > comet SL-9,, 21 hits over 7 days. What if those 21 days were for years, Biblical years of 360 days?
> > 21 X 360 = 7560  then add 7560 days to July 16th, 1994 and you get  March 28th, 2015, the eve of Palm Sunday, Nisan 10. Significant, perhaps? You be the judge.
> > Palm Sunday is Nisan 10, the day Joshua delivered the Jews into the Promised land, and you all know Palm Sunday was the day our precious Messiah rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and announced himself as King
> > Could there be two raptures, one secret for the bride, and one on the Feast of Trumpets?
I think so. There will be a First-Trump Rapture (I Thess 4:16,17) for the Bride of Christ, and a Last-Trump Rapture (I Cor 15:51-54) for the Friends of the Bridegroom.
I could be wrong about the dates, but we are approaching the time of end-time events. I expect the Second Advent on Sat. April 9, 2016, Nisan 1, 5776. It is the first day of the only Jubilee Year in my lifetime. It is the first day of the Regnal and Sacred years too.
Fri, 20 March 2015 = 29th of Adar, 5775, Total Solar Eclipse, though not an Annular Eclipse, the glow around the Moon suggests a wedding ring
Sat, 21 March 2015 = 1st of Nisan, 5775
Sun, 22 March 2015 = 2nd of Nisan, 5775
Mon, 23 March 2015 = 3rd of Nisan, 5775
Tue, 24 March 2015 = 4th of Nisan, 5775
Wed, 25 March 2015 = 5th of Nisan, 5775
Thu, 26 March 2015 = 6th of Nisan, 5775
Fri, 27 March 2015 = 7th of Nisan, 5775
Sat, 28 March 2015 = 8th of Nisan, 5775
Sun, 29 March 2015 = 9th of Nisan, 5775, Palm Sunday, my husband Ed’s birthday, he died Dec. 27, 2011
Mon, 30 March 2015 = 10th of Nisan, 5775
Tue, 31 March 2015 = 11th of Nisan, 5775
Wed, 1 April 2015 = 12th of Nisan, 5775
Thu, 2 April 2015 = 13th of Nisan, 5775, Crucifixion Anniversary. Ed visited me in his celestial body Apr. 2, 2012, probably indicating that we would be reunited April 2, so I am expecting the First-Trump Rapture Thu, 2 April 2015
Fri, 3 April 2015 = 14th of Nisan, 5775, Passover
Sat, 4 April 2015 = 15th of Nisan, 5775, Unleavened Bread, Total Lunar Eclipse, 3rd of the last Tetrad of our times
Sun, 5 April 2015 = 16th of Nisan, 5775, Firstfruits
Moses was to make 2 silver trumpets. Nu. 10:1-4 says, “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2  Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps. 3  And when they shall blow with them (i.e., both), all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 4  And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes (i.e., elders, Rev. 4:1-4), which are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee.”
John, an apostle, was caught up at the same time the other patriarchs and apostles of Israel were caught up.
In the Preview of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, John wrote in Rev 1:9-11,  “I John, who also am your brother, and companion IN TRIBULATION, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos (meaning mortal), for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10  I was (lit., became) in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11  Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.”
April 2, 2015 is on Thursday, the day Jesus was Crucified. Joh_19:14 says, “And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!” The Preparation of the Passover was Thursday, Nisan 13, 3790, April 6, 30 AD, Julian Day 1,466,295. That was on the anniversary of the original Fast of Esther (Esther 4:16). (
The first trumpet will be blown on Nisan 1, because it is the first of the month.
The last trumpet will be blown on Tishri 1, because it is the first of the month and a feast day.
To me, the Last-Trump Rapture and the Day of God’s Wrath seem likely on Sept. 14, 2015, the Feast of Trumpets.
Marilyn Agee

JW (1 Feb 2015)
"Signs, Shemitahs, Tetrads, Comets and Eclipses."

Hi John, and those that are earnestly watching!
Thank you John, for allowing us to post our thoughts and ideas, even those that are misguided and in error. I truly hope the following is from the Holy Spirit.
I will try not to go into the background covered by others more knowledgeable and capable than myself.
We understand the importance of 7s and multiples thereof in the scriptures. Most of us have read Jonathon Cahn’s work and Mark Biltzs, as well as Malcolm Isted’s correction of eido in Matthew 24:36. We’ve learned about the importance of the Feasts, First-fruits, the latter rain in the spring, Passover, the hope for the rapture on Trumpets, and the importance of using the Biblical calendar, but could there be something we have missed. Could there be two raptures, one secret for the bride, and one on the Feast of Trumpets?
Signs,,, we are told many, many times in the Bible to “watch” for our Messiahs return, and when you correct for the “eido effect” we understand the true meaning of “not knowing the day or the hour”,, “until now.”  And those of us watching are promised a Crown of Righteousness, 2 Timothy 4:8.
On the nights of July 16 –22, 1994, the whole world was amazed as 21 pieces of the comet Shoemaker-Levy-9, previously broken apart by the enormous gravity of Jupiter, slammed into the gas giant causing 21 humongous fireballs seen from earth. It was a spectacular display for everyone, but especially for astronomers, who never expected fireballs from the hits.
21 fragments hit Jupiter over 7 days that could easily be seen from Earth with small telescopes. A sign............ perhaps?              
July 16th, 1994 was the 9th of AV.  21 hits over 7 days starting on the night of the 9th of Av, a sign, you be the judge?
All of you understand the 9th of Av, in Jewish history, with both the first and second temples being destroyed along with many more historic events, all very terrible for the Jewish people.
So 1994 + 21 (years for days) = 2015,,,,,,the 9th of Av, 2015??? A day of trouble for Israel in 2015 or is there something else?
The above was posted before but not the following. If it has been I apologize.
So I’ll get to it, everything has to be on God’s calendar, so comet SL-9,, 21 hits over 7 days. What if those 21 days were for years, Biblical years of 360 days?
21 X 360 = 7560    then add 7560 days to July 16th, 1994 and you get  March 28th, 2015, the eve of Palm Sunday, Nisan 10. Significant, perhaps? You be the judge.
Palm Sunday is Nisan 10, the day Joshua delivered the Jews into the Promised land, and you all know Palm Sunday was the day our precious Messiah rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and announced himself as King, the children were waving palm branches and chanting. Jesus wept. Is that not significant, Jesus weeping? For it was prophesied to the very day, yet few took notice. If He told us when He was coming the first time, does it not follow He would tell us when He is coming again?
We are told to watch, and we are told the books would be unsealed and knowledge would be increased in the latter days. Are we not there? 5775 corrected for the Jewish sages 240 year error, intentional or otherwise, we may well be near 6000 years from creation, the time for the 1000 year reign of Christ.
So in review, we have:
Total Solar eclipse                  March 20th, 2015,  Nisan 1. New Year
Palm Sunday                           March 29th, 2015,  Nisan 10
Total Lunar eclipse Passover      April 4th, 2015,  Nisan 15.  Third in the tetrad.     
Leland Earl’s “Three Comings of Jesus”. Could he be right?
Researching this led me to an astronomy site that told the miraculous story of how Shoemaker and Levy spotted the comet in the first place. Those who are interested can Google it to read the rest of the story.
As always, watching, and looking up,