Luis Vega (8 Feb 2015)
"THE SUPER MOON PATTERNS - A Coming Prophetic Synchronization of Time"

the super moon patterns

A Coming Prophetic Synchronization of Time

by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustration in chart section


‘There will be Signs in Sun and Moon and Stars, and on the Earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the Heavens will be shaken.’
–Luke 21:25-26

The purpose of this study is to examine the pattern of the phenomenon referred to as the Super Moons. In recent years, primarily since 2011, Super Moons have sparked a great interest in the astronomical circles as well as those in the occult and those with just some curiosity. With the advent of modern telescopes that have GPS tracking and the availability of computer models and software, many armatures have been able to identify certain phenomenon such as the Super Moons. The term Super Moons is not actually a scientific nomenclature. The term comes from the occult as it is primarily in tune with such lunar cycles necessary for their ritualistic and dark magic practices. This knowledge has been understood by them and is from where the term originates from.

The term has been specifically attributed to astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979. Thus the definition and its terms have been set to his protocols. He calculated the designation based on the Moon being about 90% of the dista
nce of its closest approach to Earth which astronomers call Perigee. Based on this assumed definition ever since, there have been a pattern of cycles that fall within this mathematical distance calculated parameter. Astronomers did not pay much attention to Nolle's astrological definition until the Super Moon of March 19, 2011. The Moon came exceptionally close to its Perigee distance that brought it within 126 miles (202 kilometers) of its closest possible approach to Earth.  This true Super Moon that occurred on the very eve of the Spring Equinox started the whole conversation of what is a Super Moon and how often do they really occur and if warranted, do they signify anything out of the ordinary.

Since then, according to astronomers, the notion of what constitutes a Super Moon is somewhat ambiguous. There is no set agreed scientific parameter or concrete definition of what truly qualifies either a Full or New Moon to be a ‘Super Moon’. Based on this assertion, astronomers have nonetheless labeled Super Moons as Lunar Perigees or Perigee Moons. On average there can be 4 to 6 such Super Moons occurring in a given year. In theory, the Lunar Perigee cycle patterns are consistent and predictable, they usually occur in pairs. This study will seek to show that what is amazing and fantastic is that the period of the 2014-2015 Tetrad of the lunar Blood Moon eclipses also coincides with 3 sets of Perigee Lunar cycles of 3 consecutive Super Moons, i.e., Triads. This study will suggest that these Super Moon Triads are unprecedented and perhaps are a factor in the cosmic convergence of prophetic time.

This unique triple Triad pattern does not occur in the years prior or after the 2014-15 Tetrad time-frame. The point is that to have 3 Perigee Moons or Super Moons in a row is rare, but 3 sets in a row is amazing. There is 1 Triad in 2014 and 2 Triads in 2015 for a total of 6 Super Moons for 2015 in particular. For 2015, there are 3 New Moons at the beginning of the year and 3 Full Moons toward the end of the year. The study suggests that perhaps these triple Triads of Super Moons are validating prophetically the Tetrad that coincidentally converge at a single point in time that ends both the Tetrad and the triple Triad of Moon Perigees. This point in time occurs on September 28, 2015. This study strongly suggests that the Super Moon pattern that started in 2014 and coincided with the Tetrad Blood Moons is a sort of ‘confirming witness’ for Sukkot. It would appear that several celestial patterns are converging in time that may very well be prophetic in scope. Thus this date of September 28, 2015 is very unique at least astronomically.

A Degree of Ambiguity
It is commonly accepted that the Super Moon phenomenon occurs when a Full or New Moon is nearest to the Earth due to the Moon’s elliptical orbit called Perigee. This elliptical orbit of the Moon does nearly approximate a true circular orbit but in other words, because the Moon is in an elliptical orbit around Earth and not a perfect circle there is a closest point and a farthest point. Perigee is the closest point that the Moon is to Earth. The difference to the Moon’s farthest distance is called Apogee and is about a 31,000 miles or 50,000 km difference on average. Since the first writing by astronomers appeared in astronomy journals concerning the Super Moon phenomenon, it was stated that the Super Moons are very rare occurrences and when they do occur, that the Moon is about 13% larger and 30% brighter. This is not actually true in every case but this same supposition has been disseminated due to a common source.

This statement can be true is some instances but it depends on the actual distance the Moon is away from Earth. In actuality, according to more detailed mathematical calculations done by astronomers, a Super Moon can actually appear to be from 7%-13% larger and from 13%-30% brighter. The point is that the Moon's Perigee distance from Earth will vary. Thus the universally accepted ‘fact’ that all Super Moons are 14% bigger and 30% brighter is not a true rendering in each case. The mean average distance of the Earth-Moon is 238,855 miles and the apparent brightness of the Moon varies inversely as the square of its distance. So for example following is the formula that determines brightness. If a Super Moon is at (238,855/217,806)2 x (1.a0/1.014)2 = 1.169 or 16.9 times as bright as a "normal" full moon, not the propagated 30% factor.

This is where the dilemma lies in that astronomers are having a harder time reconciling what really constitutes a Super Moon. Based on a more scientific than an astrological notion, only Moons at are within the 99% of its closest possible approach to the Earth, as opposed to the current definition of 90% should be classified and presented as true ‘Super Moons’. This would mean that mathematically the 1% rule would place a potential true Super Moon only within the 1% range of the 221,439 to 221,752 miles. To others, this would be splitting hairs as for example the highly anticipated Super Moon of September 28, 2015 would miss being designate a ‘Super Moon’ by 1 mile (1.6 km). Thus based on this astronomical definition, the next true ‘Super Moon’ since the March 19, 2011 would not occur until November 14, 2016. (5777 in the Jewish Calendar.)

What is also unique about this particular Super Moon in 2016 is that it will only be 221,524 miles away (356,508 km) from Earth. It will be within a mere 85 miles (136 km) of its closest possible Perigee which classifies it as the closest for the decade even. By Nolle’s definition, for a Full Moon to be considered a Super Moon, the Moon only has to come within 224,800 miles from Earth, measured from core to core. The point is that a more scientific and mathematically accurate bench mark given a Moon’s Perigee should be the Moon’s mean distance from the Earth which is 238,855 miles (384,400 km). Based on this more scientific definition, thus only 3 Lunar Perigees would really quality as being Super Moons. The 3 Lunar Perigees for the entire decade are as follows.

1. Date: March 19, 2011         Moon-Earth Distance: 221,565 miles (356,575 km)

2. Date: Nov. 14, 2016           Moon-Earth Distance: 221,524 miles (356,506 km)

3. Date: Jan. 01, 2018            Moon-Earth Distance: 221,559 miles (356,565 km)

Having established this more scientific supposition, there are 2 other Lunar Perigees that would have qualified as a ‘true Super Moon’ but just fall short, by a very small factor nonetheless but are nonetheless considered Super Moons. These 2 have a peculiarity in that their climax or maximum occurs at the very hour of its Perigee, which is not always the case. This specific Lunar Perigee pattern occurs about every 13 months on average. One corresponds to the year 2014 and 2015 that coincidentally corresponds to the Tetrad span of years and with a Black Moon right in the middle of the 2nd Triad.

1. AUG 10, 2014 (Perigee Moon)  
2. FEB 18, 2015 (Black Moon)  
3. SEP 28, 2015 (Perigee Moon)


The Convergence of the Cosmos
This study suggests that the triple Super Moon Triads that span the 2014-15 years and corresponds to the Tetrad converge on one specific date, that of September 28, 2015.
Many believe this will be a focal point of Biblical proportions. This is unprecedented in the whole decade as all other Super Moons, nominal and true occur only in pairs. What is spectacular is that the September Super Moon has some very special characteristics happening at the same time that could very well be Biblically prophetic.

Thus it does appear that the convergence of the Super Moons and Blood Moons will be some sort of prophetic fulcrum point where history will be bench-marked from that time forward. It does appear then that the triple Triads of Super Moons do correspond to the timeframe of the Triad as a corresponding prophetic witness that punctuates this celestial and cosmic sign that Jesus stated would be as ‘signs’ in the Last Days. What this specific date will entail remains to be seen but if what the past 7 year cycles have alluded to, it will not be good. This celestial time marker from September 13-28, 2015 will have the following attributes associated with listed below. 

Rosh HaShana – SEP 13, 2015: Partial solar eclipse
1. End of the Economic Shmitah prophetic cycle
2. End of the Shmitah 49th Jubilee cycle ( as determined by some)

Sukkot – SEP 28, 2015: Last of the Blood Moons of the Tetrad
3. A Super Moon – closest Perigee of year
4. A Full Moon and a Harvest Moon

To reiterate, the 3 Triads of Super Moons also within themselves occur in a symmetrical pattern. The 1st Triad of Super Moons consist of Full Moons and occur in 2014. The middle Triad that starts at the beginning of 2015 are consisting of New Moons and ends with the last Super Moon Triad of Full Moons in the Fall of 2015. It is the middle Triad of New Moons that itself is accented by the March 20 total solar eclipse and the Black Moon; obviously omens of doom and gloom. It will be doom for the nations in the Spring and gloom for Israel in the Fall. These 2 key dates to include the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 and the Blood Moon of September 28, 2015 are a season apart and occur on eclipses and are on a Super Moon. The following are the triple Triad of Super Moon spanning 2014-15.

2014 SUPER MOONS: (5)
1. New Moon - Jan 01
2. New Moon - Jan 30 (Black Moon)
3. Full Moon - Jul 12

4. Full Moon - Aug 10 (Perigee Moon)

5. Full Moon - Sep 09


2015 SUPER MOONS: (6)
1. New Moon - Jan 20
2. New Moon - Feb 18 (Black Moon)
3. New Moon - Mar20
4. Full Moon - Aug 29 (Perigee Moon)
5. Full Moon - Sep 28
6. Full Moon - Oct27


Properties of the Perigee

By definition, the 1 day of the year that a New or Full Moon and its Perigee align is called a Proxigee. This is what occurred on the August 10, 2014 Super Moon and will for the September 28, 2015 Super Moon. Because the Moon has recurring cycles, astronomers can predict that a New or Full Moon and its Perigee will occur about every 1year, 1 month and 18 days. This time-span is about 13 months. In general, the nominal Super Moons at Perigee realign in periods of about 1 year and 48 days. Based on this Lunar Pattern cycle, the following Perigee Super Moons in recent history have occurred in the following dates except for 2017. Most noticeably, the Virgo Revelation 12 sign occurs in 2017. This sign is not to have occurred in nearly 7000 years according to Stellarium’s computer model calculations. The list for the decade starts with the March 19, 2011 Perigee Moon that started the whole Super Moon phenomenon.

1. Mar 19, 2011

2. May 6, 2012

3. Jun 23, 2013

4. Aug10, 2014

5. Sep 28, 2015

6. Nov 14, 2016

7. Jan 02, 2018

Another very peculiar lunar anomaly occurred in January of the year 2014. This month had 2 New Moons. The 1st New Moon occurred in January 1, 2014 and the 2nd New Moon occurred on January 30, 2014. Having 2nd New Moon in the same calendar month is somewhat rare. Moreover these 2 New Moon occurring in the same month were Super Moons according to the 90% distance calculation rule. This phenomenon was almost completely ignored by the media. This is just an example of the nature of the subject and the question of the ambiguity of what constitutes a Super Moon. Why this occurrence was not given much media attention was the fact that as New Moons, they can’t be seen. Nonetheless this phenomenon of the 2nd New Moon is called a Black Moon. It comes from Wiccan occult terminology.

This Black Moon phenomenon will not occur until October 30, 2016. The February 18, 2015 Super Moon is technically considered a Black Moon because it is the 3rd of 4 Full Moons in 1 Season. The Season is considered to be between the Winter Solstice of 2014 and the Spring Equinox of 2015; exactly 88 days later. As noted the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2015 will coincide with is not only then a Super Blood Moon, but a total solar eclipse. Of note, one other unique attribute about 2018 and lunar cycles is that on July 27, 2018 there is a Blood Moon that will be the center of a Triad of Blood Moons that is nearly exactly 7 years from the 2011 July Central Blood Moon. Prophetically, 2011 and 2018 are tied together in more ways than one. Could this allude to a confirmation of sorts that the Tribulation period is in fact the 7 years that many within the Body of Christ are deeply divided about?

Nonetheless, as noted already based on some astronomical observations the Perigee Moon of November 14, 2016 (5777) will actually be the Super Moon that comes the closest to the Earth for the whole decade. This study suggests that based on these Super Moon patterns, the March 19, 2011 Perigee Moon was the start of a prophetic cosmic countdown. Such a prophetic sign is signaling an approximate 7 year cycle pattern of Super Moons 13 months apart that will culminate in some event or events of Biblical proportions. This synchronization of prophetic time will start in the Fall of 2015 but what this means remains to be seen. Some suggestions could include the Rapture, global economic collapse, the New World Order, the rise of the AntiChrist and/or World War 3 perhaps.


As the events and patterns of the Last Days are coming into focus, the pieces of the prophetic puzzle seem to be coming together in new light of understanding. As it pertains specifically to the Fall of 2015, the signs, at least cosmologically are ominous. And if one has eyes to see and recognize such patterns, it is alarming. Such patterns occur normally but to have a convergence in the same time-frame of 2 unique celestial patterns should not be overlooked or dismissed as mere happenstance. As it pertains to the possible Rapture phenomenon, the age old debate of when the Blessed Hope will occur if at the beginning, the middle or at the end of the 7 year Tribulation period can be ascertained based on these celestial patterns. The Rapture and Resurrection is a ‘hope’ and a ‘blessing’ as defined by the Apostle Paul given to the Church as a promise. To have the ‘Blessed Hope’ occur at the end of the Tribulation would not be a ‘blessing’ nor would it be a ‘hope’ as the same wrath of the world would befall on the Bride of Christ.

Some Scientific Specifications
To reiterate, the Spring Super Moon Triad of 2015 will have one particular correspondence in that the New Moon of March 20 will coincide to be a Super Moon and the total solar eclipse. The Fall Super Moon Triad of 2015 will have some unique peculiarities to it. The Full Moon of September 28 will be the closest to the Earth for the year. It will also be a total lunar eclipse or Blood Moon, the 4th and last of the Tetrad of 2014-15. The following will present some statistics on the Moon and pertinent dates that could be related to a prophetic significance.


-Distance from Earth to Moon = ~238,900 miles (384,400 km)

-An approximation of the distance from Earth to the MOON = 30 Earths side to side

-Earth Diameter = 7,918 miles (12,742 km)

-The Earth's distance from the Sun = 1 astronomical unit or 1 AU
-The Earth's mean distance from the Sun = ~93 million miles or 150 million km 


2014 Seasons
Spring Equinox           March 20
Summer Solstice        June 21
Fall Equinox                September 22
Winter Solstice            December 21

2015 Seasons
Spring Equinox           March 20
Summer Solstice        June 21
Fall Equinox                September 23
Winter Solstice            December 21

High Holy Days of YHVH
All Jewish observations begin at sunset the day prior.
Purim                           March 15, 2014

Passover                    April 14, 2014 (Blood Moon of Tetrad)

Shavuot                       June 7, 2014

Tish'a B'Av                  August 4 - 5, 2014

Rosh Hashanah          September 24, 2014

Yom Kippur                 October 3, 2014

Sukkot                         October 8, 2014 (Blood Moon of Tetrad)

Chanukah                   December 16, 2014



Purim                           March 4, 2015

Religious New Year    March 20, 2015 (Solar eclipse & Super Moon)
Passover                    April 3, 2015 (Blood Moon of Tetrad)

Shavuot                       May 23, 2015

Tish'a B'Av                  July 25 - 26, 2015

Rosh Hashanah        September 13, 2015 (end of 7 year Shmitah) – Partial Solar Eclipse

Yom Kippur               September 22, 2015 (end of 49th year Jubilee)

Sukkot                        September 28, 2015 (end of Tetrad) - Super Moon & Blood Moon

Shemini Atzeret           October 5, 2015

Chanukah                   December 7, 2015

Some Day Counts for Perspective Super Moon Pattern
Tetrad time span

APR 14 2014 - SEP 28 2015 = 532 DAYS ~18 MONTHS (6-6-6)

Solar Eclipse on Spring Equinox to last Blood Moon of Tetrad 

MAR 20 2015 - SEP 28 2015 = 192 DAYS /6 MONTHS 8 DAYS


Perigee Moon to Perigee Moon of 2014-15 Tetrad time-span

AUG 10 2014 - SEP 28 2015 = 414 DAYS OR 1 YEAR 1 MONTH 18 DAYS OR ~13 MONTHS


Start of Super Moon Triads to March Total Solar Equinox Eclipse
JUL 12 2014 - MAR 20 2015 = 8 MONTHS 8 DAYS (8-8) OR 251 DAYS


Entire time-span of Triple Super Moon Triads of 2014-15

JUL 12 2014 - OCT 27 2015 = 67 WEEKS OR 472 DAYS


Decade long span of True Super Moons since 2011
MAR 19 2011 - JAN 1 2018 = 2480 DAYS 6 YEARS, 9 MONTHS, 13 DAYS OR 354 WEEKS


To reiterate, this study suggests that the March 19, 2011 Perigee Moon was the start of a prophetic cosmic sign signaling a nearly 7 year cycle pattern of Super Moons 13 months apart that will culminate in some event of Biblical proportions on September 28, 2015. What this mean remains to be seen. Of note, one other unique attribute about 2018 and lunar cycle is that on July 27, 2018 there is a Blood Moon that is the center of a Triad of Blood Moons that is nearly 7 years apart from the 2011 July Central Blood Moon. Prophetically, 2011 and 2018 are tied together in more ways than one. This cosmic pattern could allude to a confirmation of sorts that the Tribulation period is in fact the 7 year week of years as foretold by the Prophet Daniel. 

The study has sought to point out that to have 3 Perigee Moons or Super Moons in a row is rare; to have triplets or Triads of these is amazing; to have the Triads consecutively is perhaps Biblical. The Lunar Perigee cycles are consistent and predictable but they usually occur only in pairs. Moreover, this Super Moon pattern only occurs in the 2014-15 time-frame in the decade. In 2015 there are 2 Super Moon Triads for a total of 6 Super Moons. There are 3 New Moons at the beginning of the year and 3 Full Moons toward the end of the year. What is amazing and fantastic is that the period of the 2014-2015 Tetrad of lunar Blood Moon eclipses coincides in the same time-frame with the Perigee Lunar cycle of 3 consecutive Super Moons.

The study has suggested that perhaps these triple Triads of Super Moons are validating prophetically the Tetrad. Both celestial pattern phenomena converge at a single point in time, Sukkot of 2015 in particular. This point in time appears to be a synchronization of prophetic time that might be related to a fulfilment of prophecy in Biblical proportions. Could this signal the start of Jacob’s Trouble, the Jubilee if counted from the liberation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in 1967?
This study strongly suggests that these Super Moon patterns that started in 2014 are a sort of ‘confirming and accompanying witnesses’ to the Tetrad Blood Moons, are unprecedented and perhaps are a factor in the cosmic convergence of prophetic time.


Some Sources