KML (22 Feb 2015)
"Obamas' Message in Photo Below "Shocking Image of King Obama""

The Chair:
The chair appears to be made of IRON and CLAY, and looks like a fan of swords across the back of the chair, it also resembles feathers of iron and clay.
The chair itself represents a throne of power.
Daniel 2:41-43 fourth Kingdom of Iron mixed with potters clay.
Isaiah 46:11 God calls a ravenous bird out of the EAST, THE MAN to execute HIS counsel.

The Crown:
The first seal
Revelation 6:2  A white horse Rider: And A Crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer.

The BOW:
First seal:
Revelation 6:2  And he that sat on the white horse had a BOW.
(notice a Bow is not of much use, lest one also had arrows) Not much could be conquered without arrows. But Daniel tells us he comes in peaceably, but shall destroy many. ( O' is sure doing a great job in destroying our constitutional rights, and our moral values as a Christian nation.)
Regardless of what is said of this photo in the many articles written concerning it, the true message is this: Revelation 6:2 and I am [not] convinced that Obama is the "antichrist." Although he is [an] antichrist, he is not "The Man" who will execute God's counsel. God calls him out of the East, a Ravenous Bird.
Just as we have many Jesus Imposters, we also have these who want to have you and I believe they are the "antichrist." THIS IS WHAT WE CAN RECONIZE AS CONFUSION.
Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who [now] letteth (retrains) will let, (retrain)  Until he (the restrainer) be taken out of the way. And THEN shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall [consume] with the spirit of his mouth, and shall [destroy] with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
Don't be deceived by O' in thinking he is the antichrist, BECAUSE we "the restrainer" (the church)are still here, and the time is not yet, that the man, whom God is to call out of the East to execute his counsel.
The Bow is sat on the table right in front of our faces. The Pine Cones, placed in the bowl just behind the Bow. The Table itself is made as "Stones cut out with hands." We who have eyes to see the symbolism, understand that God does not dwell here in the White House. For God does not dwell in temples made with hands.
The Pine Cones placed in the Bowl on top of the table, represent RED, GREEN, WHITE. The very same colors of the Flag of Iran. They are also 3 of the 4 horseman in Revelation 6.
We read in Revelation 6:2 The White Horse Rider
We read in Revelation 6:4 The Red Horse Rider
We read in Revelation 6:8 The Pale Horse Rider

The Pine Cones:
The Pine Cone has been around from ancient Shinar, it is representative of the Penal gland, and looks like it. It means enlightenment or illumination.
Ultimately it means, "those with the Third Eye open." We see this same symbol on the back of our One dollar bill. We can also find it on the cover of the False translations of the Bible. ( they say it represents the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) God said you can't do it, so don't even try.
The Pine Cone is one of the most mysterious emblems in ancient and modern architecture. It also eludes to the highest degree of spiritual illumination possible.
The largest Bronze Sculpture of the Pine Cone, in the world, called "The Pigna" meaning pine cone, sits in a Vatican Courtyard called "the court of the Pinecone."
The parallels do not stop there, however: the Egyptian Staff (rod) of Osiris (c. 1224 BC) not only depicts antithetical cobras but has them rising up to meet at the Pine Cone.
What is the Symbolic meaning of these Pine Cones, and how do the cobras factor into their overall meaning?
What is the deeper secret these inscrutable images hide?
The answer is that the Pine Cones, throughout history, have symbolized the Pinal gland, or Third Eye; and by association the esoteric act of Awakening it. This penal gland is located geometrically center of the brain. The French philosopher Decartes refers to it as "the seat of the soul."
Webster's ninth New collegiate Dictionary:
A small usu.conical appendage of the brain of all craniate vertebrates [that in a few reptiles] has the essential structure of an [eye], that functions in some birds as part of a time-measuring system, and that is variously postulated to be a vestigial third eye, an endocrine organ, or the "seat of the soul."

I believe the Message given in this photo by Obama's White House, is that,
He is an antichrist, and is giving the citizens of America the word that he is here to conquer our system of government and our Faith.

How do we know we are living in the LAST days?

This know also, that in the last days perilous TIMES shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such TURN AWAY.
For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy3:1-7

STOP....and just look around, are we not seeing these things always, all day, every day? Stop...watching is corrupt, even if we watch to get the News, we are bombarded with the commercials, and the character of the media is questionable. All these things which we allow in, will corrupt.
Only 8 souls escaped in the days of Noah, and only Lot and his two daughters escaped, and Now; FEW there be that find the narrow gate.
Yes; we know, we are living in the Last Days.
And what are we to do when we see these things beginning to come to pass?
Stand Up, and lift up our heads; Our redemption draws neigh.
The Tares are grown up all around us, and praise God, the harvest is near.
The wheat is brought into the barn, and the Tares are bound and burned.
I love you, God bless you