Jovial (8 Feb 2015)
"Biblical Instructions on what to do during the Tribulations"

Someone said,

"there is NO Bible instruction on preparations for the Tribulation"

Well that simply is not true.  Let's examine some of the Biblical instructions on how to deal with the Tribulations.  Matt 24 says,

"When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation..." (Matt 24:15)

This line begins a set of instructions, and tells us the trigger event.

  • "Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains" (Matt 24:16)

This would be called an "instruction" on what to do, contrary to false claim to the contrary in the above quote.  We're also told.

"Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.... But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: " (Matt 24:17...20)

Here's 3 more instructions.  That's 4 total on what to do when the tribulation period arrives.  Now I'm sure that many who have their head in the sand will try to dismiss this as not being about the tribulation, but Yeshua proved that is not the case in the next line...

"or then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. " (Matt 24:21)

So here, Yeshua made it clear that He is talking about that period of time that will see the WORST tribulations of all time.

His audience here was His disciples.  There's no record of a single unbeliever being with Him when He told His disciples these things.  But it doesn't stop there....

"Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is the Messiah, or there; believe it not" (Matt 24:23)

Again, yet another instruction on what to do during the "great tribulation."  Now most of you know this passage, so I probably don't need to point out every instruction, but also, it is followed by a parable that tries to MOTIVATE us to get ready, something the above logic would suggest is unneeded.  It tells a parable about 10 virgins, and about how 5 who were ready were OK and 5 who were not were left behind.

Furthermore, Scripture goes into GREAT DETAIL on what will happen during the tribulation.  That information can help you get ready.  HOW to handle those situation doesn't always have a single solution.  For example, do you prepare for famine by stockpiling food?  You can if you can stay in one place.  What if you can't?  What if you are in the woods or mountains as Yeshua said in Matt 24?  In that case, you wasted your money. 

How do you prepare for a financial collapse?  That might depend on where you live.  Trading your money for gold and silver won't help you if the government outlaws gold and silver.  The USA has outlawed both in the past temporarily.  In a country that does outlaw it, you'd go to jail.  In a country that doesn't, that MIGHT help you.  But what if someone steals your gold?  Trading your money for tradeable commodities like canned goods, guns, etc, only helps if you can carry it with you and it is not outlawed.  But Obama has at least profiled people with over a month's food supply as potential terrorists.  But in other countries that is not a problem.

There isn't always one right answer on how to prepare for the same situation for everyone everywhere.  Sometimes the best prepping advice is "it depends", and one must be ready to adapt to multiple conditions.  But knowing WHAT will happen in advance helps one prepare for it based on the circumstances he is in.  Scripture goes into GREAT detail telling pre-tribulation Christians on what will happen so you'll know how to be prepared.  It also tells us what to do in some cases where absolutes can be drawn.  Sometimes the best preparation you can have is learning to listen to the Holy Spirit.

