Jim Bramlett (22 Feb 2015)

Dear friends


This is an urgent message to you from Lt. General Jerry Boykin,

U.S. Army retired.


Only 20% of the American public will take the time to watch this
video. The other 80% are idiots waiting to be loaded into the cattle
cars to be taken to a "safe place" when the time comes.


Listen to this carefully. Our country is in a heap of trouble. Pass
this to your friends if you are interested in saving this nation of
ours. As Americans we have to stand together and fight for OUR nation
as our forefathers fought the British. We are fast on our way to
being a third world country with the most aggressive dictator this
world has ever seen. It is up to each and everyone of us to get
involved if the country is to survive.


Please listen to every word, the General is telling us what is the
truth.  You need to watch this and then forward to everyone you know. A video
that will make you think seriously!

This is bone chilling. 52% of the voters did this to us by electing
