Jean Stepnoski (22 Feb 2015)
"Psalm 122 Related To 2022 "

   Psalms 120 and 121 are subtitled as each "a song of degrees" in the KJV (King James Version) of The Scriptures. Psalm 122 breaks this pattern with a different subtitle "a song of degrees of David" which refers to King David of ancient Israel. He will be a ruler King on earth during the 1000 Year Reign of the King of Kings, the Messiah of Israel, Christ the Lord. The subtitle reference to King David is significant and gives evidence of a period of transition into times again of the coming authority of King David on earth.
   J R Church and F M Riley have seen and written about annual connections between each Psalm and connected year. These connections began in 1900 with Psalm 1. What year would be linked to Psalm 114? It would be the year 2014. Psalm 114 is all about The Exodus. Did the linking of Psalm 114 to 2014 give a one year warning about the nearness of The Blessed Hope (The Greater Exodus) in 2015? It may have.
   In theory, the Psalm linked to the year of The Second Coming and the beginning of the 1000 Year Reign of the 2 Kings (Christ and David) should show evidence of transitional events. Psalm 122 displays them! Psalm 122 is about Jerusalem, from whence the King of Kings and King David will rule at the headquarters, spiritually, for Israel and all the nations. Psalm 122 is also about going to the house of the Lord (The Temple) by the tribes to stand within her gates where there "are set thrones of judgment." A great transitional event will be the Sheep and Goats Judgment of the Nations. We know that going up to Jerusalem will be a requirement to attend the Feast of Tabernacles, each year for the 1000 years.
   In verse 6 we have a famous command  for specific prayers. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper who love thee." Verse 7 continues. "Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces."
When will true lasting peace finally arrive for Jerusalem the Fair, Jerusalem the Golden? Jerusalem is promised to be "a cup of trembling" (reeling) and "a burdensome stone." When? During "the hour of trial" which concludes the 70th Week of Daniel, the city of Jerusalem shall be these things. Eventually all the nations will side against Jerusalem. When He returns, the Messiah will fight for the land of Israel and tribes of the House of Israel, ending at Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the City of the Messiah.
  The peace (shalom) will be much in evidence in Jerusalem under the authority of King David and the greatest king of all, the King of Kings, Christ the Lord. The Messiah Yahushua (Yeshua) shall return, be totally victorious, judge perfectly, and rule wisely. Each of the 9 Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5) will be in beautiful abundance. If Psalm 122 is linked appropriately to the year 2022, when all begins to be restored spiritually for Israel and the Nations, does that not strongly imply that "the hour of trial" begins with The Blessed Hope in the year 2015? We shall know soon.
With Love and Shalom,