Gino (22 Feb 2015)

Is it not true that for the past 70 years, an entire full generation lifespan, the US has benefitted from nukes.
Not only have we benefitted from the nukes that we dropped, with Japan unconditionally surrendering, but more so later.
The nukes we have, placed us in a position of "superpower" in the world, guaranteeing that we would usually get our way.
Also, because the CCCP was "allowed" to steal our nuke secrets, the perfect straw man was made.
Because of the nuclear CCCP fear, we were able to completely dominate Western Europe, under the guise of a defense partner.
Then when red China was "allowed" to go nuclear, the same thing benefitted us in the East.
How have the nukes, and our super power status, help some to maintain dominance of the dollar, and later the establishment of the petrodollar?
Have we not, then, "lived by the sword", more than anyone else?
The only ones to have ever used the nuke sword, is the same one who has lived powerfully & greedily by that sword.
If that is true, then, will we be the only ones to ever die by that nuke sword, before the LORD returns?