Gino (22 Feb 2015)
"RE: Ola Ilori: 02.08.15: Ten Plagues"

I must have come into this thread way in the middle, and have missed some important details and clarifications.
Could you please fill in the gaps for me?
You had written:

29th of January 2015 [Day 8 Month 11 Year 6000] Blood - 1st plague.
 5th of February 2015 [Day 15 Month 11 Year 6000] frogs - 2nd plague.
12th of February 2015 [Day 22 Month 11 Year 6000] lice - 3rd plague.
That would mean that there was a plague of frogs, last Thursday (I'm writing this on February 8th),
Also that there was a plague of blood  the week before that.
Where did those plagues happen?
You mentioned that these were spiritual plagues, so how did people know that they happened?
If there is to be a plague of lice in four days, where will that happen, and how will people know that it is happening?
