Gary Rich (8 Feb 2015)
"Sept 23, 2015 - Rapture or Second Coming ?"

The most watched day on all the bible prophecy forums that I have observed is Sept 23, 2015 , Yom Kippur. Everyone seems split into two camps on this day - for it to be either the day of the rapture of all saved Christian believers in Jesus Christ. Or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to planet earth to set up His 1,000 year reign

If Yom Kuppur 2015 is the rapture, then we have 7 months left till we are called to our heavenly home - The New Jerusalem. And that means folks that we need to be out sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Winning lost souls to His kingdom. Daily doing evangelism witnessing. Getting out of our comfort zones and be willing to take risks for our Lord & Savior. There is nothing more important in these last days than using our lives for eternal value, helping lost people find their way into heaven

If Yom Kippur 2015 is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to set up His 1,000 year reign , then that leaves just 7 months left for the Tribulation Judgements as described in the Book of Revelation. And that would mean that our rapture flight into heaven is going to happen any day now. Which again means that we rapture watchers , of all Christians, should be using our remaining time sharing the life changing message of Jesus Christ

Which ever September 23rd is- our rapture of the Second Coming - it is our responsibility to be sharing Jesus Christ with everyone we can in the remaining time we have left. Go for it five doves- cause soon we will be standing before the King in heaven at our Judgement Seat of Christ. Where you want to hear Him say to you - Well Done thy good and faithful servant !!!

have a blessed day,   Gary