Gary Rich (22 Feb 2015)
"God's Idea of real Success"

        One of the great benefits of finding and fulfilling your life's Calling is that it settles the question of what constitutes true success. True success in God's eyes is what you have done compared to what God assigned you to do. Jesus said He was successful because He accomplished the work His Father had sent Him to do. Success means using your life and talents for His eternal Glory. Only when you are using your God-given gifts and talents to bless others will you experience true satisfaction. Only in your divine purpose and Calling will you experience lasting Joy
        So what has God Called you to do for Him while your here on earth ? There are many adult christians who have no idea what it is that God has Called them to do with their lives. If you happen to still be wondering what God's Calling on your life is, why not ask Him. I know that sounds so simple, but when it comes to knowing our God-given Calling I am quite sure that God will give any seeking believer the knowledge and wisdon to know what God wants them to do for Him

        Consider making 2015 your gift to God by using your resources and talents for His Kingdom. There is so much need in the world around us, and so many people who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Why not devote your extra time this summer to being one of God's faithful servants. Its really simple- just say to God : " Here i am Lord, Send Me " . And He will !

        have a blessed day,   Gary