Friedrich Wenz (8 Feb 2015)
"His Best 'Race' - A 'Final Call'??? ... Obama heard it, the Dalai, and countless more... !!!"

Febr. 05, 2015 National Prayer Breakfast Washington, DC


‘Former NASCAR driver and noted hall-of-famer Darrell Waltrip was just feet away from President Barack Obama when he delivered a pointed message to an audience that included the Dalai Lama: “If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior … you are going to hell.” ‘

“If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, if you don’t have a relationship, if he’s not the master of your life, if you’ve never gotten on your knees and asked him to forgive you of your sins, or if you are just a pretty good guy or a pretty good gal, you’re going to go to hell.”


Praise the Lord!

Please watch the Darrell Waltrip’s speech (27 breathtaking minutes!!)



Dr. Kent Brantley (Ebola Survivor) Prayer!


Thank you Jesus!