Fay (8 Feb 2015)
"Information on the LHC and 2015"

Hi John and Doves,

Further info re the LHC at Cern. They are playing with the very fabric of God's creation. Ripping apart space and time. They seem to understand that they risk enormous destruction - why else would they have an enormous statue of the goddess, Shiva, right in front of their building? Shiva is known as the goddess of death and destruction. Order out of chaos??? They KNOW what they are doing! They are ready to rock and roll in March, and will start their bashing of particles together by May - at tremendous speed. The powers that be at Cern have the key to the bottomless pit. The book of Revelation is not some sort of cartoon strip with make believe demons. It is TRUE. Please take time to watch the short video clips at this link. For the record - I do not believe our LORD would have His Bride hanging around for them to open their vile pit. We will be gone.

