Fay (22 Feb 2015)
"Garry B - A Vile Person Shall Arise"


Hey John and Doves,

Garry - I have to admit, your posts are compelling. Very assured. It makes a certain sense that the AC will take the 'throne' of Jerusalem. It's particularly alluring when we have the Israeli elections coming up in March - and we all know what the lefty liberals are like in Israel!! A Trojan Horse type scenario. Infiltrated by outside forces ....by ....perhaps 'those that say they are Jews, but are not'. I wanted to point out that the other AC types ( in history ) were always definite outsiders - attacking and pillaging Jerusalem from outside. Always foreigners. But, perhaps, the formula has changed? After all - we have the definitive Trojan Horse operating from the USA! It has always been my gut instinct that ALL prophecy is Middle East specific - but history teaches us that it is the outside powers that have power over the Israelite s and their land. Particularly Jerusalem. Has Israel ever had an "insider" a definite Jewish ruler - setting his chin to inviting in the demonic hordes?? Maybe it's different this time. I tend to follow history - the example of the Bible.

I bow to your scholarship but want to reject your 2016 date out of sheer impatience. Seriously? We have THAT long to wait? I can't see it. No matter how compelling your dates and figures. If you are right - I will apologise when I meet you! (Albeit grudgingly - haha) And I DO look forward to meeting you. Very much. What joy.

I look forward to your comments re the other AC types that have influenced the fate of Israel. A comparison of 'evil dudes', if you will.

God Bless
