Douglas Daniels (22 Feb 2015)
"President Obama, America's Nero"

                                                        Scary times!

"President Theodore Roosevelt said, "Speak softly, and carry a big stick." More than a century later, President Barack Obama speaks loudly (and incessantly) and carries a twig.

Like Nero of ancient Rome, Obama fiddles, takes selfies and does Internet interviews while the world burns. Is he trying to distract himself, or us? To use a sports analogy, is he trying to "run out the clock" and leave office before terrorist fires consume us?

We have a president who is mismatched to the times in which we live. He is unserious when seriousness is required. The tyrants of the world have taken notice and rightly calculated they can pretty much do what they want without paying a heavy penalty.

The administration is pleased about a "cease-fire" between Russia and Ukraine, negotiated by the leaders of France and Germany, but even they are skeptical Russian President Vladimir Putin will abide by it. Why should he? Who's to stop him from solidifying his land grab in Eastern Ukraine, not to mention Crimea, which he has already "digested" with little response other than sanctions? For now he seems willing to endure them.

This does not bode well for a negotiated deal with Iran over that country's nuclear weapons program. Iran's mullahs don't believe they will pay much of a price for lying to the West about constructing a nuclear bomb and a missile system to carry it as far as the U.S., but an agreement will allow President Obama to brag about the "success" of diplomacy and justify his reluctance to do what is necessary to stop them."