Will Schumacher (17 Feb 2014)
"repost of strongs numbers matching current events"


Babel and Babylon-both important end time types.

Saddam Hussein was captured on December 13, 2003-Clay Cantrell has talked about the importance of this day to him.

Saddam Hussein was killed on Decmber 30, 2006.  This was 3312 days after Clay’s 12-5-97 experience.

3312=1656 x 2    1656=years from fall to Flood-a type of the rapure/destruction

From 12-13-03 capture to 12-30-06 death= 1113 days

H1113= Belsha'tstsar (Aramaic) {bale-shats-tsar'} corresponding to 01112;; n pr m AV - Belshazzar 7; 7 Belshazzar = "Bel protect the king" 1) king of Babylon at the time of its fall; he to whom Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall

Saddam Hussein=king of Babylon

Dubai tower=Tower of Babel, Babel=Babylon

12-13-06 king of Babylon destroyed

1-4-10 tower of Babel completed

12-30-06 to 1-4-10=1101 days

H 1101=confound

Used 1st time about Babel

Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.


H894=Babel from H1101

Dubai Tower(babel) 2723 ft tall

Burj Khalifa Facts | CTBUH Skyscraper Database

www.skyscrapercenter.com/dubai/burj-khalifa/ - Similarto Burj Khalifa Facts | CTBUH Skyscraper Database

Burj Khalifa is a Completed building in , , designed at 828.00 m height. ... Height: To Tip, 829.8 meter / 2723 feet ... Burj Dubai: Designing the World's Tallest.


1st verse with gematria of 2723


Gen 11:5  And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

