TH (14 Feb 2014)
"Why the ATHEIST ?"


                                       Why the ATHEIST ?

     Atheists aren't atheists because they believe in the impossibility of
there being a God.  They are atheists because they don't WANT there to
be a God.  Especially one they might have to answer to, and this explains
their rabid re-actions to any and all things intimating there is, indeed, a God.
The FACT that HE created them and the "petri dish" in which they live is too
much for their egos to bear.  They figure, foolishly, that if they oppose the
notion of God loud enough and long enough, maybe the idea of a God will go
away from the public consciousness leaving them free to behave in any way
those choose.  So as a consequence of this type of thinking, they quite
naturally support all the un-Godly things in our Society.  Things such as
abortion, homosexualality, "mother nature",  the green movement and they
are softer on religions that don't have the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob as the head of their belief.  The gods of many of the World's religions
are fine with them as they lack the consequences of sin that can't be absolved
by one's own efforts. These types of religions don't impinge on their life-
styles and if people believe that way, it's OK with them.  Hypocrisy is a
tenet of atheism........there is no one to answer to.  There is one thing that
they do seek however, and that is Power.  Quite the opposite of "humility"
which is the main requirement of the Judeo-Christian belief system. Of
course all of mankind is drawn to Power,  which makes the Christian
path difficult for everyone, but especially so for those who's egos make them
supremely self-centered.  Atheism allows for this, in fact it demands it.
You answer to no one but yourself and in todays World that has tremendous
appeal. In fact so much so that it is worth fighting for and they do, all the
time and at every opportunity. This also gets them on the MSM news where
they can voice their ideas to the public and maybe draw in some new recruits.
Free publicity and they get their mugs on TV.  A win win.   Actually a loose
loose,  because in spite of all their efforts and speeches, JUDGEMENT
AWAITS, oh my !

                        MARANATHA !
