Randy (25 Feb 2014)
"The Harbinger:  Article: the man who prophesized about the book before it was published"


We ALL LOVE coincidences, right? Why?  BECAUSE THERE ARE NO.....COINCDIENCES....RIGHT???  
My other post today says I saw the TV show on The Harbinger Book over the weekend.
In it Jonathon Cahn tells about the "stranger at the airport" who OUT OF THE BLUE.......told him that Jonathon had written a book, that is was from God....and that it would change the world.....change his own life.....and be a huge success.
here is an article that tells the story.
BTW........this same "stranger" also prophesized to an NFL football player that he would make the "BIG" play at the Super Bowl in the coming year.
SAME ARTICLE ABOVE.....but you can see the NFL video at the bottom of the article.   
I'M GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS........    This book, The Harbinger.....is my NEW BIG THING.
I think it is my "answer to prayer" when I asked........"WHO SPEAKS FOR GOD IN THESE LAST DAYS?"
I think it is.....could be....the author of this book, Jonathon Cahn:  THE HARBINGER.
I have only just started reading it.......after intentionally NOT reading it since it first came out a couple years ago.  Don't know why I waited this long......but, again, over this past weekend, I saw the hour long TV show about it, with Jonathon Cahn......and it was FINALLY TIME to read it.
What hit me most.....was another NON-COINCIDENCE!!   
The TV show spoke of a couple things I have heard of and have come to believe in the last few years.
1) A 7 Year cycle, called a shmitah.  (spelling?)   (going from memory)
2) Jonathon links 9-11-2001......to Rosh Hashanah 2008.......   a 7 year period.
3) He links the Rosh Hashanah 2008......9/29/2008 STOCK MARKET CRASH of 777.68 points in this 7 year cycle.
this is just the tip of the iceberg, as I begin to read the book.
I was also fascinated by the "coincidence" of this "stranger at the airport" who was sitting next to Jonathon, (due to a DELAYED previous flight!!)........who prophesized about his book.  (He didn't even know he'd even written a book!!)
And....as per the article above, this same "prophet" had told the NFL player about the coming Super Bowl game BIG play LONG before his team was ever even IN the Super Bowl that year.
HEY!   There are OTO MANY Coincidences.....GODLY Coincidences here, for me to ignore God's role in the writing of this book...and that Jonathon Cahn does seem to be "THE" man WHO IS SPEAKING FOR GOD.....AS A PROPHET.....IN THESE, THE LAST OF THE LAST DAYS!!!
I think this is BIG.......Can't believe I waited so long to start reading this book.
Can't believe I have NOT seem MORE BIG POSTS on Five Doves about this book than I recall seeing so far.
IT REINFORCES EVERYTHING.......EVERYTHING........I believe is happening in these Last of the Last days....ever since the BIG BIG BIG event that "shook the world" back in 9-11.
Didn't we ALL KNOW it was some kind of "game-changer" for the world......even back then, on the day it happened?
Jonathon Cahn seems to be "wired in" to tell us all........what it meant.
AS well was what the BIG DOW Drop meant 7 years later.....
And....BTW....I couldn't agree MORE, that the DOW Drop on Rosh Hashanah......-777.68 points....MEANT SOMETHING JUST AS BIG as 9-11.
Those of you who know me from my posts.......have seen my MANY Posts about the DOW Drop on Rosh Hashanah 2008.
Jumping ahead here......
Then, IF 9-11 was important...and IT WAS.......and then you have 7 years later........a shmita period.....leading of ANOTHER BIG event on Rosh Hashanah 2008....9-29-2008.......   the BIG DOW DROP.....
Here is the question then....
  WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN ON THE NEXTG SHMITA.......Rosh Hashanah2015???  !!!!
My last few posts have been making the statement:  "About the US Stock Markets....I think 2014.....could be OK.....no big UP like last year.....and maybe no big DOWN.......NOT UNTIL WHEN?  NOT UNTIL, maybe, 2015.......the NEXT 7 year cycle.
And ALL I've seen and read so far in this book, The Harbinger, is talking about the EXACT SAME THING!!!  
-2008......the big DOW drop
-The 7 year cycles.....9-11--01 to Sept 2008....   and I've been posting about 7 year market cycles from   1987 to 1994 to 2001 to 2008.....and asking then WHAT ABOUT 2015?????
The book, compares what happened to Israel in the Old Testament and they were so BLESSED BY GOD......and then how the Jews FELL AWAY from God.....and what happened NEXT.........
and makes a great comparison of the same thing happening to the United States from its birth, to events in the last 60 years that have caused the USA to "move away" from God as well.
JUST LIKE when the President of the United States......in one of his first speeches in Egypt.......
You know....what did he say in the opening lines?????
"The United States is no longer a Christian Nation!"  I was watching live.....and I almost gagged on that line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This book is going to tie together all of "my loose ends" about THIS being "THE" TIME.......the LAST of the LAST Days.....
And I can't wait to finish this book.
I feel inspired like I haven't been in a couple years...........that end Time Events are SURELY soon to bring about the event we have all been speculating about for years now.  (I don't know it's going to me "the" date.....)  But I believe is going to reinforce how NEAR the RAPTRE really is!!
TICK TOCK.................................................