Randy (17 Feb 2014)
"GREAT ARticle:  The US will NOT Save Israel from IRAN......a historical perspective"

After reading this article I am CONVINCED, if I wasn't before, that Israel IS ....ON IT'S OWN to prevent Iran from getting a Nuclear Bomb!
The article reminds us of the historical reality the United States has NEVER supported Israel in the "tough moments" of the last 66 years.
NOT for the birth or Israel in 1948!  Truman was unsupportive.
NOT for Israel's help to UNblock the Suez Canal in the 1950's.  Eisenhower was unsupportive.
NOT even during Reagan's years, when Israel bombed the Iragi Nuclear Reactor.
NOT even during the Bush years when Israel AGAIN.....bombed a nuclear reactor, this time in Syria!! 
The article says the US, all through time, has "generally sided with Israel's Arab neighbors.  the US not only sold arms to Israel's enemies, it also lavished them with economic and military aid through a Marshall-type plan for the Middle East." 
so, WHAT IS NEW NOW?   NOTHING!!  Same Story....different president.......ISRAEL STANDS ON IT's OWN....which is EXACTLY swhat Netenyahu has been saying for the last few years!!!  DUH!!  Ah, but WE...you and I even.....forget our history.
Remember the phrase...."those who don't know history are what? ....DOOMED to repeat it!!   Ah, its deja vu all over again!!  .
The article concludes with:  "The U.S. has historically been strongly predisposed against Israeli military action. Israel is on its own. The stars are aligned for a unilateral attack. "
And yet....EVERY TIME........WHO was ON Israel's side????       GOD was on Israel's side!!   :)
And so, He will be again.......soon......
Tick Tock.....BOOM........ah, but WHEN???  2014?  2015?  WHEN???
PS.....I am reminded of another article that was SO ON TARGET that it went on my bulletin board at home in 2005.  THAT article title said "IRAN will NEVER give up it's right to its nuclear program.......ie, bomb program"   NEVER!!! 
PPS...ah, but WHEN?  18 months ago, at the United Nations, Netenyahu said "Iran CANNOT cross the 'red line' for nuclear enrichment.
How much more time will elapse, with this new laxity for Nuclear inspections given to Iran, while Iran continues to run toward a viable nuclear bomb delivery program?????     How much more time with Netenyahu give up, until Israel acts ALONE....ONCE AGAIN?????