Randy (14 Feb 2014)
"DOUBLE-SPEAK..........  It's all over the News..........WHO CAN WE BELIEVE???"

I don't know about YOU.......but I no longer know WHO's telling the truth in the News  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a few Examples:
1) If IRAN is winning in the "make nice" negotiations with the Western World about truly dumbing down their nuke program, then WHY IS:
 - the Iranian Military saying they are all ready for "Decisive Battle with America and Israel"????
2) Yesterday, Obama makes an off the cuff comment while at Montecello "I can do whatever I want, I'm President" and then the Right infers he meant about EVERYTHING........instead of just stepping over the public crowd ropes to a private overlook.  Is EVERYONE just acting like children?  Probably......
I suppose it's all just "posturing" ..........I'd call it BULLSH_T myself.....
but it's EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    And I'm TIRED OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I will ask what Pilate asked Jesus 2000......TWO THOUSAND.....years ago.
"What IS Truth?"
Didn't the Bible speak of these things for the Last Days??????????????????????
Tick Tock.............
PS....and If THAT isn't enough.........the rest of the news is just downright DEPRESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who killed how....
What Justin Beiber did now......  (LIKE I CARE!!) 
A wrong way driver in LA kills 6 in a head on crash.......drunk....and previous DUI's ???  And...a woman !!  
Men....women....doesn't matter any more.......  
There was a great line near the opening of the old TV show:  HIll Street Blues.....   After the morning briefing, the Captain says:
"Be Careful Out There......"    And THAT was some 30+ years ago???????????????????????
Now, it's just a jungle.......and it's every man for himself, so to speak!!!