Randy (14 Feb 2014)
"2 Months until FIRST BLOOD MOON.......and, ah.....perspective....."

So, 2 months until the FIRST Blood Moon........
Last month's post with 3 months to go:  http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jan2014/randy116-1.htm
HOW QUICKLY the news of Ariel Sharon fades away.........was it really an End Times "sign?" ......  still waiting to see.....
But, THAT was the BIG news last month.
And is there any BIG news THIS month??
Seems like "business as usual" to me........however.....
1) NEW Fed Bank Chairman sworn in....and last Monday, 2/3, the stock market got socked lower....and yet, yesterday, 2/11, with her first testimony before congress....the markets SURGED back up!  Don't count this market out........not yet at least !!  2014 could be "ok" but more volatile....... but 2015 could be the next big-bad year.  (7 years from 2008, and from 2001....and from 1994 and from 1987....you get the number pattern....every 7 years??  tick tock...... 
2) The Peace Process in Israel seems to be struggling with on a few months left to the 9 month deadline Kerry held out last year.  No definitive news yet....tick tock.......
3) Iran seems to be the "new best thing" in the world for new investment activity and deals...ie, France!  I still can't imagine anything coming of "REAL" progress with the IAEA getting TOTAL ACCESS to verify Iran's "NON" nuclear bomb activities.....tick tock....
But....AHA.........Comet Ison seems to be FINALLY....FINALLY......OFF the news.  (Hey......EVERYTHING is NOT a conspiracy!!) 
THEN YOU HAVE.........WHAT I AM ALWAYS TRYING TO FIND.........    "Perspective"
(You can go NUTS waiting for the Rapture, and learning about the Rapture, and LONGING to see God's plans happen IN MY LIEFTIME...........year after year.......now, for over 15 years....) Recognize, it's NOT that I don't like and enjoy the life I have...that's not it at all.
But in the BIG PICTURE of "my" plans for THIS life......vs "GOD's" Plans.......which plans would I rather see happen?  God's, of course.
My BEST Plans pale in comparison to seeing God's plans unfold now in the Last of the Last days.....for, certainly, THAT IS where we are:
1) After 6000 years of Biblical life and events..
2) After 66 years since Israel was Reborn.
We MUST be in the Last of the Last Days.......
So, while we watch and wait.......AH....PERSPECTIVE is what I pray God would give me.....
So.....here I go:        Compared to 1 year ago....where am I?
1) Are we ONE YEAR CLOSER to the Rapture........OF COURSE!!  (duh....that's the EZ one!!lol)  4 more years until Israel turns 70!!
2) Are there MORE signs now, than there were a year ago, about the nearness of the Rapture.   YES!  (another EZ one)
3) Is my life BETTER now, than 1 year ago?  It's a "this life" measurement......   (Measured any way you want.....I use Financial, Career, Debt repayment, Liquidity/Investments....etc.)
My Answer:  YES, on all of those issues......   one of my best career years of my life.......best in a looonnng time !  Thank you God!!
4)  Am I as happy, or happier?  (Travel, family, optimism for the year to come IF NO Rapture........etc...)
Answer:    yes, yes, looks like an OK to good year....we'll see...
It is so EZ to get caught up the minutia of this life.......the challenging details of business........AND, still....WAITING on the Rapture.....
All that DOES impact daily happiness.  You see, I'd like to....COAST into the Rapture......having enough money/investments that NO MATTER what happens.......I can just COAST into the Rapture....  Unfortunately, I still need to work  (lol) ....can't just coast......
But....every year what?  We DO GET ONE YEAR CLOSER to seeing God's plans unfold with a Pre-Trib Rapture......and THAT is good to know and understand.
Even IF.....the Rapture is still 4 years (or more??  ugh!)  out yet.......  well, next year it will ONLY be 3 years...... 
One way or another...it IS getting closer......  but the wait is long.....has been long...... 
In the mean time, I thank God for a good year.....and ONE YEAR CLOSER....and I will leave the "rest of my life" in HIS Capable hands....AS ALWAYS!!
TICK TOCK...............