Mathman (17 Feb 2014)
"Israel - The End-Times Gauge (what goes up the ladder is now coming down)"


Dear Doves,


One thing most of us agree on when it comes to prophecy is that Israel, and in particular Jerusalem, is the TRUE end-times gauge.  This gauge shows an interesting pattern.  Mainly, what has gone up the ladder is now coming down.  Allow me to explain:




GOD:  God creates the Heaven and Earth:  By definition, Israel is in the possession of God


SATAN:  God hands the keys of the Earth to Satan, but maintains full control at the same time.  By definition, Israel is now in the possession of Satan (but limited in power, thanks to our All-Powerful Lord)


ISRAEL’S ENEMIES:  At some point, while Israel (back then, the Hebrews) was in bondage to Egypt, Satan promoted Israel’s enemies to be in possession of the Promised Land (Canaan).  While this land was never given to them by God, they assume the land as “squatters”.


JEWS:  Thanks to God’s supernatural assistance, and after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, the Jews finally entered the Promised Land after leaving Egypt (the Exodus).


ISRAEL’S ENEMIES:  Unfortunately, and because of their wayward and unfaithful ways, Babylon is allowed to defeat and take over Israel.  After this, in essence, Israel was never fully owned by the Jews again until our generation.  This all changed during the hugely prophetic Six-Day War of 1967.  IMO, 1948 is really not the true and full date of restoration because between 1948 and 1967, the land remained divided and Israel was not fully back in the Jews possession yet.


JEWS:  Thanks to their overwhelming victory in the Six-Day War of 1967, the Jews reclaimed their land and it was no longer divided (as it had been from 1948 to 1967, and therefore largely indefensible if it were not for the Lord’s help).


ISRAEL’S ENEMIES:  As we speak, Israel’s enemies, and “friend-emies” (the U.S.A., primarily), are working tirelessly to divide the land of Israel again, and Jerusalem in particular.  The World’s current favorite obsession is to bring Israel’s borders back to how they were prior to the Six-Day War.  John Kerry seems all too willing to broker this, all with Obama smiling sinisterly in the background.  This is EXTREMELY dangerous as those who divide Israel will become divided themselves.  This does not bode well at all for the U.S.A.




SATAN:  During the Tribulation Period, the Anti-Christ, the embodiment of Satan, will reclaim possession of Israel from the Jews and set his evil throne in the heart of Jerusalem.  The AC will then pursue the Jews, relentlessly and without ceasing, with the only survivors persevering until the end because of the supernatural aid of God Himself.


GOD:  Finally, harmony.  With the Anti-Christ and the fallen Earth defeated at the End of the Tribulation, Jesus will finally reclaim what was always rightfully His.  The Lord will then rule with an iron fist over the land of Israel, and the rest of the World, for a 1000 years (and then for eternity) with the only blip being Satan being released for one last round of attacks at the end of this 1000 years.  Then Satan and his hordes will finally be removed forever and ever and thrown in the Lake of Fire.




In short, here is the progression of the “owners” of Israel (wherein we need to realize that our Heavenly All-Powerful God has ALWAYS, and will always, be the TRUE Owner of this sacred land, with Jerusalem being the Apple of His Eyes):


1)   GOD (Eternity Past to Creation)


2)   SATAN (Creation to Post-Flood)


3)   ISRAEL’S ENEMIES (Post-Flood to Moses / Joshua)


4)   JEWS (Moses / Joshua to Babylon)


5)   ISRAEL’S ENEMIES (Babylon to Six-Day War)

NOTE:  While the Jews were in the land between Babylon and the Six-Day War, they were still being ruled by her enemies, so I excluded this “renting” of the land from the progression as outlined)


6)   JEWS (Six-Day War to the soon Peace Treaty)

NOTE:  Rapture will occur sometime between the Six-Day War and the Tribulation Period.  Will we see the Peace Treaty?  Possible?!?!)


7)   ISRAEL’S ENEMIES (the soon Peace Treaty to the Tribulation Period)


8)   SATAN (the Tribulation Period to the Second Coming)


9)   GOD (the Second Coming to Eternity Future, including the 1000 years)


Notice how the events mirror each other, with #5 being the actual mirror (and, in reality, also the longest stretch of time)?  Incredible, is it not, how history has unfolded?  No people in exile for so long has ever been gathered like we see God doing with the Jewish people today and returning them to the Promised Land of Israel.


Indeed, only God could keep a people so hated by Satan alive, separate and apart from the World after all of this time.  Even the World’s most evil leaders from past history have been unable to destroy them.


God has said in His Word that there is nothing new under the sun.  In other words, all that will happen in the future has already happened in the past.  The above “Ladder” of Israel ownership really illustrates that, yet again, the infallibility of His Word is just that.  What the Lord says will occur never comes back void, but instead always comes back with untold treasures and exactly as He said it would.


What an Awesome God we serve!!


*             *                  *                  *                    *                *


Brothers and sisters, are you ready to meet the Lord in the sky?  Repent and believe that grace is by faith alone and can ONLY be attained through Jesus Christ.  Get ready and leave the temptations of this world behind and ready yourself as a Bride.


Surely, time is almost up.


YbiC, MathMan