Lewis Brackett (17 Feb 2014)
"Isaiah how the Liberals hate GODs word"


I am doing the high points of Isaiah in my adult Bible class and went to Wiki for more information.

I was appalled at how the Liberals twist maim and render GODs word Since Liberals refuse to consider the supernatural nature of prophecy...They do the same thing with Daniel...

Anything happening after their lifetime must have been written by some later person in their minds.

These Liberals have the audacity to say that “”everyone”” agrees with them!!!!!!!

Below is an excerpt of their Foolishness :(


The exact relationship between the Book of Isaiah and any such historical Isaiah remains the subject of ongoing scholarly discussion.[a] One widespread view sees parts of the first half of the book (chapters 1–39) as originating with the historical prophet, interspersed with prose commentaries written in the time of King Josiah a hundred years later; with the remainder of the book dating from immediately before and immediately after the end of the exile in Babylon, almost two centuries after the time of the original prophet. Jews and Christians consider the Book of Isaiah a part of their Biblical canon; he is the first listed (although not the earliest) of the neviim akharonim, the latter prophets.[6]

While one part of the consensus still holds – virtually no one maintains that the entire book, or even most of it, was written by one person – this perception of Isaiah as made up of three rather distinct sections underwent a radical challenge in the last quarter of the 20th century.[10] The newer approach looks at the book in terms of its literary and formal characteristics, rather than authors, and sees in it a two-part structure divided between chapters 33 and 34:[11]


