JMS (17 Feb 2014)
"Re to Mike C: The 1973 Vision - by David Wilkerson !"

Brother in Jesus Christ you ask: why have Jesus not come yet ?

I understand youre question I have asked the same. But what I got as answers was: Remember what said in Psalm 110, the whole psalm, but especially verse 1. - it's the Almighty God who have taken over here, and tell Jesus to wait, until that part of God's plan it have been fulfilled.

also what said in Psalm 127, - and of Jacob in Act.15:13-18.v. and so on and on through the scripture, things who have to be fulfilled first. Another thing we also should try to understand is, the Almighty God is in total control, and it all follow the plan of His, and not the 'creation's manipulation's' - Psalm 127:1-2.v.

And the restrainer from 2 Tessalonian 2:7.v who have to be taken away. If it's the Holy Spirit, then it also means those who day and night pray to God for to save, remember  Abraham's pray for Lot and Sodom-Gommoreh, - but also the reaction in Ninevah after Jonah's work. It dont changed the plan of God's, Isaiah 55:6-11.v. but when God saw the town listened to the warning, they repented, then God gave them more time, - the opposite happen in Sodom-Gommoreh, they did'nt listen, and the judgement happen in a split-second.

have a blessed time in the love from Jesus Christ, our Lord and Love ... jms. ><> *