Clay Cantrell (17 Feb 2014)
"The Other Noah"

The Other Noah

Numbers 26:33
"And Zelophehad the son of Hepher had no sons, but daughters: and the names of the daughters of Zelophehad were Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah."

The text speaks for itself. this daughter of Zelophahad is the other Noah. Her name means Motion. 

Her Strong's number is 5270 Hebrew. (see my other post about Noah, 527 and the year of the Flood 1656). 

First mention of this woman named Noah is Numbers 26:33. 

Running gematria total from word one to and including Noah = 2507.

2507 = 109 x 23

109 is a known destruction number. 

Noah's Strong's number, 5270, is the same as the total of all the day numbers added from day 254 (9-11) to the end of September, in a non leap year, such as 2001. a Tower of Day numbers as it were. 

the other Day Number Tower that matches the 254 tower from 9-11 via base conversions is one counted from 6-11 to the end of the month, also in a non leap year, which has yet to happen. it yields the total 3430.

343 d = 527 o = 157 hxd

I think Enoch was "taken" on June 11, 987 AH. 

USA gets hit again by some enemy, in a 9-11 scale attack (or worse), on June 11 in a non leap year - in the future. 

those are my theories. 

That theoretical attack may or may not be the Destruction of the Western USA city which The Lord showed me in the vision recorded here in this post:

which I do not consider a theory. 

My take is still that the Rapture happens close to or when Isaiah 17:1 occurs (Destruction of Damascus) and that the AC is Syrian, whose clock starts then. ie he is revealed. 

Damascus' destruction may have already started with this catastrophic civil war.