Will Schumacher (11 Feb 2013)
"Nisan 10 march 21 this year"

Because of my 2 previous posts I note the following:  It is 4210 inclusive days form 9-11 to 3-21-13-Nisan 10.
9-11 showed the importance of base conversions
911 is value of Reisheet-Jesus in Gen 1:1
Nisan 10 is the day the israelites crossed over the Jordan-the descender-and entered the promised land.  It is also the day Christ presented himself to Israel as the messiah.
other enoch numbers to note
birth of america inc to 3-21-13= 139 x 622 days
enoch born after 622 years
the San Francisco earth quake-most deadly in US history- inc to 3-21=107 x 365
enoch raptured at age 365
Pearl harbor to 3-21-13= 99 x 263 days
263 an antichrist root.
6-7-67 inc to 3-21-13= 25 x 669 days
Enoch raptured 669 years before the flood
THis may or may not mean a thing.  Personally I would think there is a better chance of the rapture in the fall.  Just some very interesting numbers to a significant day on Gods calendar
will s