Will Schumacher (11 Feb 2013)
"Mark Biltz Aleph and Beit teaching and 911"

At pastor Biltz site he has a hebrew letter teaching you can view or listen to.  It is really glorifying to God.
THe letter aleph is the Father
THe letter beit is Jesus.
He goes on to say that the first word in the bible-Bereisheet-is the letter beit (Jesus) prefixing the noun -reisheeth-meaning the beginning, the firstfruits, the firstlings.
He says Jesus is the reisheeth.
SO beit (Jesus) and reisheet (Jesus)-In the beginning
the gematria of the first word is 913-It has always interested me that 9/13/15 is the beginning of the feast of trumpets at 6 pm when many people have speculated that Jesus might return and fulfill all 3 fall feasts.
On the strongs side the gematria is 911
It is widely speculated that 9/11 will have a special day count to the next 9/11 type event, either destruction or rapture or both.
It would seem that if the reisheet is Jesus and the value is 911, the day count from 9-11 to Jesus would be special.
will s