Walt (28 Feb 2013)
"RE: Mike W "Walt no need to worry All Christians raptured""

Mike, please read my 2/27 letter to Gino.  also go back and read Malachi 3 16 and 17 and tell me what He does with the son that does not serve Him. A son, in my opinion can only be a son if born into the family. God does have born again believers that are in need of correction and if He finds it appropriate to apply correction to those that He loves, It is another demonstration of His love and authority over His children. You yourself have no authority over your neighbors children to dicipline them but you do have the authority and responsibility to raise up your own in the way that they should go. Sometimes that means deliberate loving correction. Sometimes not. If you are responsible for that with your children dont you think our Heavenly Father should apply our correction if we need it to become all that we can be? Should not He withold correction from those that serve Him? Should not He be the Judge to decide who needs correction and who does not? Of just who is really serving Him and who needs to be closer? I cannot judge that and I dont believe that you can.

Mike also read what was revealed to the apostle John in his writing in rev 3 concerning the Laodicean church. Those rebellious backslidden lukewarm but redeemed by the Blood brothers will be a part of the eternal kingdom but not without first being rebuked and CHASTENED. Rev 3:19 Dont tell me that they are not among the redeemed. They were revealed to John as an ecclesia. Church. Believers.

I love this Doves site and all the family that gathers here. As John says we will not all agree with each other but we are family. Love you all!! If I am really off track here, please do for me what I do for all of you doves. Pray for me!
