Walt (28 Feb 2013)
"Gino "RE: Walt: 02.25.13""


Gino, it is very apparent to  me that I am not nearly as well studied in the Holy Script as are you. I would like to give you an example of what I mean by "accounting" something.

A few years ago my oldest son needed a car for his new wife. He did not have the money to purchase a very nice used auto that he had located. He needed 4000 dollars for it. I loaned him the money using a flex line of credit that I have. He was very faithful in repaying what he agreed to every single month even though I knew it was difficult for him. As soon as he had repaid 3000 of the 4000 loaned to him I told him that as far as I am concerned your debt to me is paid in full.

The point that I would make is that he could not make that determination himself as that would be untrue and deliberate theft from me his father. I am the only  one that could make that call. I "accounted" his debt paid in full. I pray always that the only One that can "account" me worthy to escape the trials that are about to fall upon those on this earth. I know for certain that I have an eternal destiny with Jesus in His eternal kingdom. I know that that destiny is sure only because he loves me, a sinner, enough to have suffered on that cross in  payment (in full) for my debt. At this moment I am a sinner and God in His infinite wisdom knows what needs to be done to insure that I am the best possible citizen that He can make me in His eternal kingdom. His word tells me in 1 Peter chapt 1 vs 6,7 that there can be trials and tribulations for me "that the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes though it be tried by fire may be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Verse 6 tells me that He may determine these trials necessary for me. I pray not.

Is He about to kindle a fire so that the dross may be removed for some rebellious Christians such as myself? I pray always that I would be "accounted worthy" to escape those things that are about to come to pass  on the face of the earth to try those that dwell on the earth. He may decide that my faith which is more precious than gold needs to be refined. I pray not but I trust Him reguardless. He alone knows what is in my best interest.