TH (11 Feb 2013)
"WORKS?  What does that mean to the BELEIVER?"


WORKS?  What does that mean to the BELEIVER?

Jesus tells us to put on HIS  "Yoke" and  says that HIS " burdens"  are
"light".  The word  burden implies effort and  yoke would be understood
to mean " continual". Why would HE comand  this and what does it mean?
To me it means turning your life over to HIM  and letting HIM lead in all
aspects of your life for HE is the "good shepard".  Spiritual growth can
only happen to the "in-dwelt" beleiver.  Why?  Because only the
HOLY SPIRIT can lead "man" into all TRUTH.  How do we know if the
H.S. is living in us? JESUS  himself answers this question. "My sheep
hear MY voice".  Do YOU hear HIS  voice? Do YOU do what that voice
tells you to do? Do YOU obey the commands of the HOLY SPIRIT's
voice?... How do we get to hear thisVOICE?  JESUS again answers
this when HE tells us to "Knock" and HE will answer.  And to keep
knocking until HE does.  To him that seeks, he will find.  I will come into
him and sup with him and I will reveal MYSELF and MY FATHER to him.
(read John 14:15-21 incl.) and then (read John 15:4-7 incl.). This
Instruction, command, and promise from JESUS himself are clear and
understandable for all who are seeking to be closer to HIM and to be
recognized by HIM at the BEMA SEAT.  Why would there be weeping
in Heaven? Because of LOST OPPORTUNITY !  Don't put off seeking
HIS VOICE any longer as HE is surely at the DOOR.  Once the "boss"
is on board, then and only then, can HIS WORK begin.

