Ruby (1 Feb 2013)
"re: Grace 1/31 post about Urbain vision"

I meant to comment, that in the vision, he says it was 66 deg. Celsius.  Is that right?  In Fahrenheit that would be 150 degrees!  Too hot to be outside for a soccer match!

The UEFA final match is on May 25th 2013 (a Saturday).  This is a little more than a week past Pentecost/Shavuot (Sivan 6/7). 
I have an acquaintance who (his wife) had a dream of something falling from space and hitting in several places (one being Utah out in the west desert at/by a nuke waste area) (his wife didn't know the other locations, she was only shown what would affect her).  They said that they both prayed about it and got "May, maybe towards the end of the month."  No year.  She had this dream in late 2004.  She saw that it they would be talking about the incoming object(s) the night before on TV.  It was going to spread radiation and one needed to be more than 100 miles away from it.   She said to leave the night before once you hear about it (for those living in the greater Salt Lake City metro area).  This west desert area I believe holds a military site and also somewhere in that vicinity is the purported new "Area 51" type location.
So maybe there's a correlation from this dream of hers and the Jan. 2013 vision of "Urbain" on the rapture website (link) you gave.     ?????     I'm not predicting, just wondering.
Grace's link: