Renee M (28 Feb 2013)
""RE: To Mathman, Ron Reese, Gerry Almond, Gail, Renee Moses & Randy - I guess I have COOTIES! Sorry I won't be a bore again...""


Dear Navi,
I didn't find what you wrote to be a bore at all! I apologize that no one responded to your letter. I sometimes find myself overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities I have to do and find little time for anything!

I did read your letter at least a couple of times, and think it's certainly possible that there could be a "7-year peace treaty", or more likely just a "peace treaty" of some sort that many Christians will believe to be the beginning of the final 7 years, and that the first Rapture could take place very shortly after this treaty, within days. I think the Lord could allow this to happen because so many are so set in their belief that the final 7 years has to start with a peace treaty involving the Antichrist and Israel. I'm sure those Christians who are left behind will be pleasantly surprised when Jesus returns in the middle of what they think is a 7-year tribulation, but is actually the end of the final 7 years.

I don't think there has to be any peace treaty next month, but it's within the realm of possibility. Thank you for sharing and I hope you will continue to share if the Lord leads you to do so.
