Rene (11 Feb 2013)
"re: Paul's Dream of Earthquake"

Paul, your dream struck a chord with me, because I have been hearing of and seeing testimonies from many people about worldwide catastrophe right at the same time the rapture occurs. It makes sense, because, if you think about it, even in the Bible when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead it was marked by an earthquake! Why shouldn't the rapture also be culminated in the same way? Jonathan Kleck at was shown by the Lord that as the saints are called UP, destruction comes DOWN on the world. This also happened as soon as Lot was pulled out of Sodom. God's rescues are often "by the skin of their teeth" so to speak. Why else would God be sending so many warnings to people to repent and giving amazing testimonies to his saints as vehicles of his warning (i.e. Bill and Annette Weiss and his 23 minutes in hell testimony)? He has done and is doing everything he can do to save the lost, but once the church is gone, it will be "Katie bar the door!"  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. One second after the rapture, it will be too late....