Randy (19 Feb 2013)
"I gave a friend a bottle of wine today.  Name is:  Volver ...    he told me the meaning in Spanish.....Hmmmmmmm"

Volver.....   (Spanish)

English Translation of VOLVER

: to return, to come or go back <volver a casa : to return home>
I owed a friend a Cabernet for some work he did for me.  My wife gave me a bottle to take to him....
He is latino....and an End Times Pentecostal........
And he says to me "you know the meaning of the name of the wine?   To RETURN."
I had asked God for confirming signs of the nearness of the Rapture this morning......and THIS was his answer to me? 
I HOPE SO......
You know.... I have those days when all I want to do is just quit this life.....(work)..........  just too many challenges and not enough enjoyment.....but I press on becuase I must...
When you Greatest DREAM is the Rapture......God's plans.....  enjoyment from THIS life just can't compare any more.  And after 16 years of learning about God's Next BIG Move.....THAT has become my greatest joy and hope!! 
I've said it for years....IF the Rapture happens before I retire in 7 years.......I'll BE JUST FINE!!!   lol..
If not....."there will be some splainin' to do...." As Ricky Ricardo used to say to Lucy on the TV show.  I'm married to a Lucy....  Let's hope I dont' have any splainin' to do!!  UGH! 
I'm still hping for THIS YEAR.......THIS SPRING!!