What is going on?????
More and More Events happening that just seem so....STRANGE.....COINCIDENTAL.....ONCE IN A LIFETIME.......ONCE IN 600 YEARS......Are these PROPHETIC events?Are they.....just coincidences???ARe they SIGNS from GOD?? Are they "the" signs Jesus said would be happening just before His Return?WOW>.......what a time to be a Christian living in THIS day and age !!!It's starting to get exciting just to wake up in the morning and turn on the TV.....WOW!!ON Monday.......it was the Pope's resignation.....and now EVERYONE is talking about the Prophecy of St Malachy.TODAY......a meteor is caught on camera and 400 people.........get that...4 HUNDRED People are injured when it hits earth!!! WOW!!And....the last time that happened was........ NEVER!!!!!! NOT IN OUR LIFETIME....NOT EVER!!!!!Ranks right up there with what other recent events???1) The Pope stepping down...... last time? 600 years ago.2) The Tsumani that killed 250,000 people over Chritmas a few years ago....CAUGHT ON CAMERA3) The Japanese earthquake and tsunami a couple years ago.......... CAUGHT ON CAMERA, that fascinated all of us as we watch it over and over.4) And let us NOT FORGET.........Israel became a nation again in 1948....almost 2000 years after it was destroyed..Now......this meteor CAUGHT ON CAMERA......And tonight, a NEO (Near earth object) larger than EVER recorded coming so close to the earth.Question...ARE THERE MORE?? Are there more neo's......connected with THIS big one that will pass nearby?? I dunno....... but this early strike MUST be connected......??But my gosh......aren't these the events Jesus Christ said WE WOULD SEE......just before His return?????WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, can we KNOW a PROPHETIC EVent AS IT HAPPENS??? I think the answer is YES...but ONLY IF YOU ARE WATCHING WITH AN END TIMES POINT OF VIEW!!!!Hmmmmm.....so THIS week...... the Pope steps down AND a meteor strikes the earth/caught on camera.Wow........I can't wait to see what will happen in the next 6 weeks. Why?In the next 6 weeks,1) Obama goes to Israel.....to talk about PEACE and SAFETY......2) Iran gets closer to a nuke bomb....and N Korea just keeps getting closer to putting a nuke on a misille and launching it as well.3) And NOTHING is solved in the world's economies....HEY......remember! NOTHING BIG HAPPENS......UNTIL SOMETHING BIG HAPPENS!!!!!Hmmmmmm...there are ALOT of BIG things happening all of sudden!!And on top of that.....more and more news about the SUN erupting (soon?) to send a HUGE cosmic blast at earth....similar to the BIG one in the 1800's that made the technology of THAT day catch on fire....the telegraph wires. Such a big eruption would DEVESTATE our current technology...our current society.I say...EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED as we go forward over the next few weeks and months.TICK TOCK BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YFIC,Randy