Patty RP (28 Feb 2013)
"I Cor 10:31--You Are Not Alone"

Dear I Cor 10:31,

I would like to respond to your letter posted here:

For whatever it's are not alone!  I stand with you.  I know how it gets on some of these boards where people who disagree, maybe take offense and somehow the discourse gets 'ratcheted up'....

I don't know why it's looked down upon to say that sinning is wrong...when it is.  This isn't my opinion, but the word of Jesus Christ.  Yes, He forgives us...but repentance is confessing our sin and then to stop doing it.  Otherwise, we are guilty of giving only lip service to Him, as written in Matthew 15:7-9.  The Book of Revelation tells us that Jesus is going to spew the lukewarms "out of his mouth".  Saying "I believe"..but continuing to sin over and over and over again after that, isn't much belief... is it?  Talk, talk, talk is meaningless and Jesus said that we would know them by their fruits (works).  We are not to be taken in by what someone SAYS, but to know them by what they DO.

I don't know why exhorting people to stop sinning is seen as "self-righteous".  The Prophets did just that, but the people hated it to the point of killing them.  Jesus exhorted people to stop sinning by saying "Go...and sin no more".  Let's listen to Him.

Blessings and prayers for you.

Your sister in Christ,

Patty RP