Mathman (28 Feb 2013)
"Gary C & Ted Porter - A Wonderfully Scriptural Representation of the March / April Watch Times"


To Gary C,


Your article titled, “Passover And Easter 2013-The Rising (Rapture) Into God's City (Acts 12:1-25)", was simply MAGNIFICENT:


The Bible verses you used were in context and applicable.  Your organization of points were spot on and precise.  Somehow, you condensed what many take much longer to say (yes, that includes me J), and yet still made it incredibly clear.


I just wanted to say I REALLY appreciated the effort you put in to highlight, Scripturally, the momentous times we are living in and the precariousness of March to those who will remain.


To Ted Porter,


Your article titled, “GM / Pineman - When did Jesus become Messiah and When was Messiah Cut Off?", was just as MAGNIFICENT:


Your amazing outline of the different interpretations of Daniel 9:27, along with Sir Isaac Newton’s interpretation, was clear and concise.  THANKS for putting this out there for consideration.


My personal note:


To build on Ted’s excellent post, as many of you know all too well by now, I too believe that the 7 weeks as per Daniel, from June 7, 1967 (the capture of Jerusalem by the Jews) to September 23, 2015 (the Day of Atonement, the most Holy Day of the Jewish Year), is a special time pointer from the Lord Himself.


Using 2/3rds shortened days as a very real possibility (as per the Trumpet Judgments that outline such shortening), I believe that, IF this is true and applicable in this context, this means the latest we SHOULD be Raptured is June 5, 2013 (equal to September 23, 2015 – 840 days, wherein 840 = 1260 x 2 / 3).


Sadly, if we are still here after June 5, 2013, my PERSONAL best GUESS for the Rapture date jumps all the way to September 23, 2015.  However, I would still have great hope for the period in-between for the Rapture as I simply just cannot visualize the world hanging on for much longer (but with God, obviously all things are possible, as we all know by now).


On a side note, I should point out that June 5, 2013 is the 46th Anniversary of the start of the Six Day War on June 5, 1967.  In turn, 46 = 2 x 23, wherein 23 is the number of death.


Surely, time is almost up.


YbiC, MathMan