Leslie Fain (11 Feb 2013)
"RE: Gerry Almond (8 Feb 2013) The Days of God's Plan of the ages"


Gerry you wrote
To those who don’t believe Jesus could be born December 25, I’m truly sorry, as  I too thought it was surely during the Feast of Tabernacles, but that is simply not so.  His birth occurred during the Feast of Hanukkah.

What occurred during the feast of Hanukkah was His conception not his birth thus fulfilling Haggai 2:18-19.  The bible code confirms this.
It is God showing us life does begin at conception!

Thank you for your letter you are right on sudden destruction is upon us!

I am also looking at February 21-22 for something maybe the psalm 83 war where God will bring Israel through. An Esther event

God bless!
Thank you John!
Leslie F