Jon Sweeten (19 Feb 2013)
"Russian meteor is 1335 days to end of Day of Atonement 2016"


Has anyone noted yet that the powerful meteor that shook Russia (Magog?) Friday, February 15th, is exactly 1335 days to the end of Day of Atonement 2016 (October 12, 2016)?  This would also be very close to the start of the 50th or Jubilee year (counting 360 day prophetic yrs) from Jerusalem being liberated in June 1967.  

I was like Ron Reese, thinking 2015 was going to be the year.  When 2012 came and went, we were obviously off.  But I'm thinking maybe the last 3.5 yrs of history will start spring 2013.  

So watch April 1st - 1290 day marker, and May 1st - 1260 day marker.   If all this passes without an invasion of Jerusalem, then 2013 isn't the year for the start of fireworks.  

But that fireball over Russia on Feb 15th is making things interesting.

BTW, I'm a post-tribulation rapture guy, born again Christian and baptist.  

Jon S