GM (1 Feb 2013)
"322 skull and bones revealed?"

Doves, a pre-confirmation, extraordinary.

322 skull and bones revealed?


Here’s my experience Thursday.  In the evening I clicked onto Clay Eudaly’s new video, for my first view, here:


I had not discussed the video with anyone, and at the time it had under 100 views and was less than 45 mins. old.  It is about the NWO symbolism in movies and elsewhere seeming to point to Superbowl 47.  A family member came home so I stopped the video at that time.  This was near the 8:43 mark.  The view was a movie scene of a football stadium sky box with the number 322 prominently displayed.  This was near the end of a segment discussing Skull and bones, the symbol with 322 and other items, including the 33rd episode of the original Batman TV series.


After several minutes I started a search I had been thinking about all day.

Searching for a number value for “nephilim”, the DNA corrupted, fallen angel offspring, I found the number "170".  The first scriptural occurrence of that number value is in Gen 3:22.  Yes, 322, the same number on the video display I still had open at that frame.  While I could have made other choices, this was the exact order of my search. 

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:


This verse describes the fall of man.  The offspring of this line would rebel against God at Babylon under Nimrod. And they would attempt to reach into the sky from the tower of Babel.

Some say the notables from Skull and bones trace their lineage to other lines of this DNA.  Among the members are presidents GHW Bush and George W Bush.  These are kings, politicians of note etc.  Further, those who wish to control the world believe they can become like gods, and certainly want to act like gods.  This verse defines their philosophy, rejecting humility towards God and seeking the goal of Nimrod and the tower of Babel.  Here we are at the end times as Revelation indicates Mystery Babylon is a central player, led by these same people.  This is their creed, I believe.

So, in short, searching for “nephilim” led, thru its number value, to this verse; Gen 3:22.  The content and number of the verse speak for themselves. 


After BO was elected, Skull and bones announced that they were taking no new members and closing their order.  Perhaps they should have hung a banner, “Mission Accomplished”.