Gary C (28 Feb 2013)
"Jesus' Message To Catholics And All Christian Faiths: Prepare For Rapture Or Scatter"

Jesus' Message To Catholics And All Christian Faiths: Prepare For Rapture Or Scatter

This Article Is Referring To Roman Catholics As "Catholic" Just Means Universal.

Our Savior Jesus Christ's Rapture And Great Tribulation Will Soon Begin At The Same Time. Christians Who Have Obeyed Jesus Christ Will Be Caught Up And Taken (Raptured) In God's Presence. Christians Who Have Not Obeyed Jesus Will Be "Left (Behind)" As God's Great Tribulation Scatters The Entire Earth.

The Bible Teaches That Catholics And Their Priests Serve A Very Unique Purpose In God's Prophetic Plan.

The Bible Compares Mother Mary To The Keeper Of Heaven's Door.

At Age 7 God Called Me To Understand And Preach His Coming Again. That Was Many Decades Ago. It Is Now Time For Catholics And All Christians Earth Wide To Choose Jesus And Rapture Or Choose Satan And Scatter In The Coming Great Tribulation.

The Below Websites Contain Biblical Messages For Catholic And Non Catholic Christians. If You Put Trust In God's Holy Word God Will Deliver You From His Coming Great Tribulation Of Judgment Upon Planet Earth (Matthew 25:1-44; Matthew 7:13-29).

If You Are A Catholic Christian Please Prayerfully Study Section 1 And The Website Links Below.

If You Are A Non Catholic Christian Please Study Section 2 Below And The Website Links Below.

Section 1-Mother Mary Is The Door Keeper, God Is Against Earthly Priests, Only Catholics Who Obey Jesus Will Enter Heaven




4) The Below Weblink Explains The Bible Commandments To Obey God And Enter Heaven
5) Passover And Easter 2013 Prophetic Red Alert

Section 2-Christians Who Are Disobeying Jesus, Loving The World & Supporting Priests And Mosaic Law Won't Enter Heaven



4) Passover And Easter 2013 Prophetic Red Alert

5) The Below Weblink Explains The Bible Commandments To Obey God And Enter Heaven

Please Prayerfully Study This Information With A God Approved Bible Such As An Authorized King James Bible Version (1611 AD) (Revelation 22:18-20; Psalm 119:105).

Jesus Will Soon Begin The Great Tribulation And The Rapture. You Must Choose By Holy Spirit To Be With Jesus (Joshua 24:15; John 3:1-8).

Please Utilized This Information As The Holy Spirit Leads You. ~God Bless~ (Brother Gary Colin)