Frank Molver (28 Feb 2013)
"Lee Ann re March 22, dream Rose of Sharon, Grapes of Wrath"
What a great letter with such excellent clues
That video has some excellent dates to watch possibly starting out March 22 with a bang
It seems to be all coming together
Numerous scriptures using various signs in the heavens pointing to that date.
The Rose of Sharon character in the Grapes of Wrath could also be likened to the bride
She starts out immature but grows into a gracious woman
The Grapes of Wrath could also indicate a sudden change in economic fortune
Possibly starting March 13!/2013/02/massive-puts-and-open-interest_5498.html
Another article in dealing with the media and Lincoln and Obama as preparation
A dream shared here re possible assassination warning!/2013/02/my-dream-last-night.html
Lee Ann (25 Feb 2013)
"Grapes of wrath Dream and Obama's Israel itinerary"

Dear John and Doves,
Please note the word Itinerary in the posted URL Donna Danna posted yesterday,7340,L-4343916,00.html

Then reread my dream >From 04-04-2012 below or at the link

Then watch the video if you can or have the time. and note the date toward the end of the video which was posted in July 2012 so no way that March 20-23 date could be just random guessing

That March 20-23 is creating a buzz already and for me it's starting to be a really strong time to be watching for something major. That word for me was a warning or code word to watch for. When I saw it, under the posted URL yesterday, after all that I've been reading about this upcoming visit, I gasped.

The angel repeated that word no less than 15 times in the dream until I said,"okay I got it, Itinerary" then the dream ended. I was not to forget that word. It could be a personal warning or nothing at all, but the closer we get the more I'm really going to watch that time frame. You decide if it's noteworthy. And please pray for discernment.

Obama's Israel visit itinerary released

US president to arrive in Israel March 20, ahead of stops in PA, Jordan; set to make public speech in Jerusalem, visit Iron Dome battery

Dream posted 04-06-2012

Hi John and Doves,

I could really use some help solving this puzzle. This may be for me personally or maybe not. I'm not sure. But I do know it was a message for me to take seriously.

This dream had no visuals really, I was like in a void, but I could hear every word and it wasn't fractured like my dreams normally are, it was all logical and made sense.

Someone was speaking to me, and I was answering. I don't know who it was as I could not see the person and they didn't tell me who they were This male voice asked me the question did I know what itinerary meant? I said it was a list of travels. He said he wanted me to remember that word. Then he bought to memory a teacher I had when I was 15 years old. I was only there at this school for a few months but I learned more there than all of the years in normal public school. It was in a small little school in the Santa Cruz mountains ... He asked if I remember this teacher. I said yes, he was a great teacher. Yes, he was the voice replied . Then he showed me a visual of this classroom and asked me what stood out about this teacher. I said he read us John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath. The voice reminded me to remember the word "itinerary" that it was important for me to remember.

I haven't thought about that book in 35 years and couldn't remember much about it except the ending and that it was set around the Great Depression/Dust Bowl, so I had to look it up.
I was pretty shocked when I read the book summary, Does the character name Rose of Sharon ring a bell to anyone?

The Lord knows I love to solve things, but I'm not sure I'm seeing the clear picture here. I also hope this isn't a message of things to come. Maybe someone out has had a dream or vision like this one or has a deeper understanding of the book. In the meantime I guess I better go download and read it myself.
Lee Ann